Chapter 6

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"Your something else..."

Izuku leans over, their chests touching, grabs the shampoo bottle and starts washing Katsuki's hair. He relaxes, letting Izuku do what he wants. After the both of them are clean, Izuku drains the tub and wraps Katsuki in a soft towel. Izuku finds a pair of sweatpants thrown at the side of the door and puts them on.

"You can get changed in my room. I'll be up in a couple minutes."

Katsuki nods, still kind of out of it thanks to the warm water washing away his worries, at least for a little bit. He goes upstairs to the room as Izuku goes down to the basement. He glances at the body, his nose scrunching up at the disgusting smell, and grabs his laundry basket. He brings it up to his room. Katsuki is changing into some clothes that were in Izuku's dresser. A white shirt that is kinda big and loose on Katsuki and black shorts that don't go that far. Katsuki looks at himself in the mirror. 

'Why does he have clothes that clearly don't fit him.' 

Izuku enters the room and stares at him from the doorway. 

'Ah. Those are someone's clothes from the basement, right? I forgot i put them there... Well, I'm not gonna tell him.' 

Izuku puts the basket on the floor. Katsuki looks at him. 

"Um... Have you had any food yet?" 

Izuku grins, sliding the basket against the dresser to fold later. 

"What? Are you my wife or something?" 

The tips of Katsuki's ears turn pink and Izuku looks through the basket for a shirt. 

"It's just... You're letting me stay here, right? I might as well repay you. I can cook and clean around the house if that helps." 

Izuku puts on a t shirt that says, 'Cool Shirt' and Katsuki can't help but think it's cute.

"I never actually said you can stay but now that i know you're doing the cooking ill agree to let you stay. Besides, you're the one who hasn't eaten in days. There are thinks in the kitchen if you want to make something."  

Katsuki goes to the doorway, turning to look at Izuku one last time, and goes downstairs in search of the kitchen. Izuku goes through the laundry, putting some of it away. He catches his reflection in the mirror and grimaces. He can almost hear his mother's voice, as if she's right behind him. 

"What are you doing Izuku? I told you to be safe and careful if you were going to continue this hobby, this isn't what i had in mind." 

he would comfort her, putting a hand on her arm. 

"It's ok, i got everything under control." 

His father would probably hit him upside the head for being so reckless. 

"And what if He's downstairs right now planning out a way to kill you? Idiot, he can be going out the door right now and you wouldn't know."

"It's not like he'll get very far..."

Izuku shakes his head and smiles at his reflection.

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