Chapter 131

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But instead of greeting them both loudly and happily, she stays in her seat. Inko looks at the two of them, smiling at Izuku and glaring at Katsuki. 

It looks like she didn't just have a whole breakdown in a hallway a while ago. 

"Izuku! You sit in the middle, ok?" 

Izuku nods, and gestures to the blonde next to him. Katsuki is trying to fix his tie again, deciding to loosen it. 

"I want Katsuki next to me. Is that alright?"

She stares at him and looks like she is about to say something. Her mouth twitches as if she's getting ready to, but at the last second, she gives him a stiff nod. 

"You sit next to Tomura, and..." 

Her sentence trails off, but Izuku gets it. He moves to the seat next to Tomura and Katsuki goes over, sitting in the seat next to Izuku and Dabi.

Inko stares at them all for a couple of seconds before she decides this is as good as its going to get. 

She walks to Hisashi, who has his hands resting on the backs of toga and Izuku's chairs. Inko stands next to him on the other side. 

Izuku thanks who ever out there that they got chairs this time and aren't expected to stand up in this same position for plus two hours. 

The painters are moving quickly, not bumping into each other despite tons of arms darting in and out. Izuku watches them work for some form of entertainment. 

Then that's when he feels Katsuki grab his hand again. Izuku glances at him, the blonde ignoring him. He stares straight at the painters, the red on his cheeks standing out clearly. 

Izuku squeezes his hand again and that's how they sit for the rest of the painting. Dabi and Tomura have music playing through ear buds, covering them with their hair. 

If they didn't inko would surely complain, and Izuku internally groans at not thinking about that first. Katsuki watches the sun through the window, seeing something moving in one of the bushes outside. 

It sucks that there is nothing to look at in this room, so to pass the time he starts to see how many times he can trace the scars on Izuku's hand. 

Dabi groans, stretching all the way up before collapsing onto his chair again. 

"Holy shit please let us never do this again." 

Tomura slides down his own chair until he is laying on the floor. Toga walks over to the painting, wanting to see the finished product. 

Inko is already standing there, staring at it with an analytical eye. She hums when she deems it to her liking, excusing the painters who leave the room like it's on fire. 

Katsuki yawns, his body tensing up and relaxing again as he wipes his eyes. Izuku puts his head in his hands, trying not to fall asleep. 

Toga grins, poking her head out from where the painting covers the rest of her. 

"You guys come look!" 

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