Chapter 45

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Izuku stares down at him and the women rushes to them, fussing as more tears run down her sunken cheeks. 


Izuku grips the man's hair and pulls, bringing him up. The strain of holding him up shows as some of the hair on his head is ripped out. 

"He told you to apologize. Get on your fucking knees." 

The man screams loudly, the sound bouncing off the walls. The women scrambles up, scratching at Izuku. 

Her body is shaking like a dried-up leaf against a storm and her hands are covered in spots, some veins popping out because of hard work and aging. 

"Let him go! Let him go you monster! How dare you!" 

Izuku doesn't let go though, and the man starts thrashing around. Katsuki watches the scene with confusion for a moment, and then the situation dawns on him and he gets up too. 

"Izuku, its ok i got it." 

Izuku looks at him, searching for something Katsuki can't begin to guess. He hesitates for a couple more seconds, clearly conflicted, but he finally lets the man go.

 He falls to his knees with a loud bang and the women is still crying. She goes to him, clinging to his arm. 

"Honey, are you ok?!" 

He snarls at her and brings his hand up, slapping her across the face. She is flung to her own chair, hitting it with a crash. 

"Get the hell off of me!" 

A red spot is formed on her cheek, already beginning to turn purple and swollen. Katsuki is reminded yet again of all the pain the man in front of him has caused them.

 No matter what he does this person will never change and there is no point in hoping that he will. Or that any of them will. 

Hes finally ready to accept that. He can finally be free of them. 

Katsuki stares down at the two adults in silence. His aunt looks at him through her glassy eyes and whimpers. Realization sets down on her face and she shivers, holding herself. 

She takes a deep shaky breath and grabs at her husband again. 

"Honey. I think it's time for us to leave." 

The man goes to yell at her again, winding his hand back for another blow. But before that happens, she leans to his ear and whispers something. 

The man's eyes widen and then narrow at her in suspicion. He is quiet. 

She gets up on wobblily legs and bows. 

"Thank... y-you for having us... Your home is lovely."

The man scoffs and without another word, leaves the house. The women stays there for a moment, turning to Katsuki. 


She chokes back tears and leaves quickly, the door shutting behind them. Izuku stands there next to the open space to watch them leave, then turns to Katsuki again. 

"Do you want me to chase after them?" 

Katsuki stares at the floor for a while, trying to process the many thoughts running through his head. Eventually he answers, his voice soft but firm. 

"No. I just want to forget them now."  


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