Chapter 114

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They are all waken up earlier than normal, the servants coming into everyone's rooms to get them. Per Inko Midoriya's orders, they are to change into their formal attire for the portrait. Izuku rubs at his eyes, still needing sleep from yesterday. 

Katsuki got up and followed him even when the maid completely ignored him. Fizz stayed in the room, curling up in the blankets to sleep longer. 

Lucky bastard. 

They are led to a room, which is big and open. On the far side there are dressing rooms and the walls have full length mirrors. Katsuki catches his reflection and sees the bags under his eyes. He moves his fingers under his eyes and rubs. 

Izuku groans quietly, grabbing the long bag with his new suit from one of the maids. She stumbles, Izuku using a little more force than needed. He turns to her shocked face and apologizes, going into the dressing room. 

Katsuki sits down on one of the chairs, leaning back in it comfortably. The maid gives him a look, her brows furrowed, and lips turned up in clear disgust. He glares and flips her off. She looks at him appalled. and turns away. 

Izuku pokes his head out of the dressing curtain, looking at Katsuki. His green eyes are still muddled with sleep, but he still smiles. Katsuki gives him one back before the green haired boy turns to the maid. 

"Get Katsuki a suit." 

The women, clearly a lot older than all the other maids here, bows her head gracefully. Her grayish hair is in a tight and neat bun. Her aged hands are at her side, fanning out her uniform when she turns to him. 

"I am ordered by the head mistress not to supply Bakugou with a suit for today's activities, young master." 

Izuku furrows his brows and stares hard at her bowed head. 

"And why not?" 

The older women glances at Katsuki, her graceful look wavering slightly. She looks back at the ground. 

"The head mistress has said he is not family, there for he will not be allowed in the family portrait." 

Izuku is silent, and then goes behind the curtain. Katsuki hears shuffling as clothes fall and are put back on. The maid straightens herself up again and has that same look of disgust on her face. Katsuki leans forward, his arms resting on his thighs. 

"Listen you old hag, I am too damn tierd to deal with your shit so keep your eyes to yourself." 

The women gasps, a hand covering her mouth. 

"Well i never-" 

Izuku comes out from behind the curtain, fixing his belt. 

Without a shirt. 

Katsuki turns red and looks hard at the floor, suddenly a lot more interested in it. He hears footsteps and Izuku's shoes are in his peripheral vision. 

He looks back up and Izuku is putting a white button up on, his fingers working fast to get it closed. He glances down at Katsuki, and it does something to him. 

The maid lets out another appalled noise and both of them look at her. Izuku cards a hand through his hair, the curls being pushed back. 

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