Chapter 8

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Izuku hums.

"Sure. You can go first."

Katsuki looks at Izuku, excited.

"Ok! Um... Where are your parents?"

Izuku sighs, putting his head in his hands.

"You know, normally that question is considered rude. My parents are overseas. Yours?"

Katsuki plays with his fork, moving it in between his fingers over and over.

"My parents are dead." 

Izuku stares at him, then gives him a questioning look. Katsuki continues, ignoring it. 

"Do you have any siblings?" 

Izuku chuckles. 

"I do, but not biological. I have three siblings. Do you know why no one has come looking for you?" 

katsuki balances the fork on the table, feeling the cold metal in his hand. 

"Probably cause i don't have anyone who cares if i disappear. What are your siblings names?" 

Izuku plays with the tablecloth, smoothing it over. 

"Tomura, Dabi, and Toga." 

Katsuki nods and Izuku continues. 

"Who do you live with?" 

Katsuki stiffens but answers anyway despite his clear hesitance. 

"My uncle... Why are your parents overseas?" 

"They have work over there and they wanted a vacation after. How did your parents... you know." 

"They died in a fire when i was little. Why didn't your parents bring you overseas too?" 

"I don't really get along with them. Do you have any siblings?" 

"No, I'm the only child. When is your birthday?" 

"July 15th, when's yours?" 

"April 20th. What's your favorite color?"  

Izuku laughs. 

"Green. Yours?" 

"Orange. If you could have one thing, what would it be?" 

Izuku thinks for a moment before answering. 

"I would want... freedom to do whatever i want. if you could go anywhere you wanted, where would you go?" 

"Hmm... I've always wanted to get inside your house but I'm already here so, there is nowhere else. Who is your favorite sibling?" 

Izuku grins. 

"Toga. What is your favorite animal?" 

"Dogs. If you could have any job, what would it be?" 

"A spy." 

Katsuki laughs. 

"A spy?" 

Izuku leans back in his chair 

"You wouldn't understand, I'm a genius." 

Katsuki rolls his eyes playfully. 

"If you could have a pet, what would it be?" 

"Hmm... I like cats and dogs. How long have you lived in this house?" 

"Hmm since i was in grade school. What were your parents names?" 

"Masaru and Mitsuki Bakugou. What are your parents names?"

"Inko and Hisashi Midoriya. Sweet or spicy?" 

"Spicy. Mountains or forests?" 

"Forests. Sea or desert?" 

"Desert. What is your favorite hobby?" 

"Killing people and collecting hero cards." 

Katsuki laughs, smiling. 

"Hero cards?" 

Izuku waves his hand around and leans forward. 

"You know, hero cards! From that popular manga! You don't know Hero Acadamy??" 

Katsuki laughs again. 

"No you fucking nerd!" 

Izuku has a fake shocked expression on his face. 

"Nerd!? How dare you, Hero Acadamy is high class, serious stuff! We have to watch it now!" 

"Bahaha whatever nerdddd" 

Izuku huffs, a smile still on his face. 

"Ok so whats your hobby?" 

"Video games and cooking. You know, like a normal person." 

Izuku sticks his tongue out at him. Katsuki asks his question. 

"If you could live anywhere, where would it be?" 


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