Chapter 33

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Izuku looks down at the mess at his feet and sighs. If it wasn't for the gross smell and the fact that he's looking at the insides of a human right now, he's sure his mouth would have watered. So, he answers. 

"Ok I could eat!" 

Katsuki walks up the stairs and into Izuku's room, changing into sweatpants and a black T shirt. Since the floor is kind of cold, he slips on socks, padding back down and into the kitchen.

 Katsuki and Izuku fully focus themselves on their tasks, and about a half an hour later, Izuku has all the body mush into garbage bags, ready to be taken out. 

He brings them up the stairs and to the hallway, stopping to put on his shoes. Katsuki turns the stove to low and quickly goes to him, kneeing down to put his own shoes on. 

"Let me carry one." 

Izuku smiles and lets Katsuki follow him out the door, carrying the other two trash bags. They both feel the strain it has in their arms, but the nice warm air is comforting. 

There aren't any starts because of light pollution, but the glow of the moon in the dark sky is enough. Katsuki sees his breath take form in small puffs of white, his nose slightly cold. 

They get to the dumpster, which is a private one that Izuku had bought from the landlord with a huge sum of money.

 It was all worth it though, since he had special people come and take his trash to be disposed of. 

Having a shit ton of money really did make things easier. 

Him and Katsuki throw the bags into the dumpster with four loud bangs, and start to head back, hands in their pockets, 

"What do we do now?" 

Izuku smiles at him and shrugs, his eyes dancing to every part of Katsuki's face. It makes Katsuki flush, but he decides to blame it on the cold night air. 

"What do you want us to do?" 

Katsuki is silent, looking at the dark road in front of him. This was really all he ever wanted. To be with Izuku all of the time, it was the only thing that he could think about.

 It made him happy, even when before, it seemed like nothing but a fucked-up fantasy. Now, everything is so much better away from that bastard. 

- - - -  - - - - - - -  - 

Katsuki was never really allowed outside. His aunt and uncle said it was because he had nowhere else to go but school and then back home. 

If you could call this a home. Ever since his parents died life had been so strange. 

There were no welcoming smiles and hugs when he got back. Only distain and disgust. But not from his aunt.

 Sometimes Katsuki thinks she was worse, because she would tell him stories about his parents, things he never knew or had never gotten the time to learn because his parents would never be able to tell him as he got older. 

"When she was pregnant with you, she couldn't hike as much, no matter how much she loved to. So, your dad brought her to the zoo all the time. Have you ever been to the zoo Bakugou?" 

He had never been anywhere since his parents were taken away from him. The way she spoke to him, that sadness in her voice and the pity in her eyes. He hated her. 

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