Chapter 51

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At this the two begin to bicker, Izuku telling Katsuki to be nicer and Katsuki telling Izuku that he doesn't have to be. Todoroki watches with the same look as before and then he hears something crash and a loud yell. 

They all turn around to look at the front counter. The man who had coffee brewing is standing over a broken cup, the steaming liquid spilled all over his white uniform shirt. He curses and looks at everyone sitting down. 

"Well?! Someone come help me with this!" 

His eyes land on Todoroki and his mouth frowns, a disapproving look on his face. 

"Hey you! Just because you're the chief's kid doesn't mean you can just sit on your ass! Clean this up while i go look for a new shirt!" 

Todoroki doesn't say anything as he stands up and goes to get a rag and a broom. He takes them out of the closet and goes to the counter. He starts sweeping up the pieces of glass and cleaning the liquid with the rag. 

He finishes and the man comes back with a new shirt. He starts scolding Todoroki even though he isn't the one who spilled it and even though he isn't technically part of this department. Hes just sent here because his sister insists that his dad likes him being there where he can watch him. 

This man goes on and on for at least 10 minutes. Todoroki knows this for a fact because the clock above the entrance to the door ticks and ticks away. He only stops when they all hear the door open. His dad and the other kid step out and he gives them an intimidating look. 

The man sits back down in his seat, turning away and pretending to do something on his computer. Todoroki decides to sit in the office so that the man can't keep yelling at him. His dad gets the other boy, and they go into the other room. 

He shuts the door and sits in his dad's chair, looking around the room while spinning around slightly. 

Katsuki and Izuku watch him leave and then turn to each other. They don't say anything, but their looks are enough. Miko turns to them, leaning over slightly. She gives Izuku a small smile. 

"Thank you again for coming Midoriya. But um..." 

She looks at Katsuki, her smile faltering. Katsuki rolls his eyes at her, and she curses at him. 

"Why did you bring this asshole too?" 

Izuku laughs at the scene. Hes sitting with his back straight and his feet firmly on the ground, the complete of how Katsuki is sitting, leaning into the chair and taking up the most space possible. 

"It's not like I was dying to be here bitch, i don't even know this girl. But I'm also not gonna make Izuku go here alone." 

Miko folds her arms, unresponsive. The other boy moves closer to all of them to join in the conversation. 

"You guys are going to the zoo today?" 

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