Chapter 23

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Izuku's eyes widen, and Katsuki turns red. Izuku puts his hands on Katsuki's waist and pulls him close. Katsuki turns even more red, gripping on the back of Izuku's shirt. His eyes dance around the sea of people. 

"A-aren't you worried someone will see us...?" 

Katsuki can feel Izuku's hot breath ghost over his ear. His voice is clear. 

"Who cares? Let them see, it's not like they can do anything. You wanna know something?" 

Katsuki gulps, his brain catching up with his body so he can finally answer. 

"What Uraraka was wearing," 

Katsuki's brows furrow at the mention of her, and he wants to dig his teeth into the nape of Izuku's neck to remind him its Katsuki he's with, not her. Izuku continues his sentence. 

"It made me think about how you would look in something like that." 

Katsuki thinks he can feel steam rising from his ears and his mind flashes back to the small bag in the corner of one of the drawers in the dresser, hidden by his own clothes. He searches for something to say struggiliing even more when he feels izukus hands trail over his back, resting close to his ass. 

"W-was it... Bad...?" 

Katsuki doesn't have time to scold himself for sounding so weak because Izuku moves his head to look right at Katsuki, his green eyes pulling him in. 

"No. I liked it." 

Katsuki stares at him and he feels his own arms go up to link around Izuku's neck so their even closer. Their lips almost graze each other's and Katsuki's heart beats out of his chest. Earlier: 

 Watching from the other side of the dance floor, Uraraka watches the two of them dancing with her face scrunched up. arms folded. 

"Why the hell is Midoriya Kun even looking at that ugly bastard when he has someone as pretty as me here. Seriously, I'm the one who invited him! He should be dancing with me! And did you hear them?? They're on a first name basis and have lived together for years! How unfair is that..." 

Her friend listens to her ranting slash yelling slash complaining with the same glare. 

"Go get your man Ura, think about it. If you let him go now, that blond idiot is gonna steal him away before you can even blink." 

Uraraka huffs, tapping her foot. 

"Oh, come on! Midoriya Kun does not swing that way! I mean, did you see the way he was checking me out before? Hes totally into me." 

Her friend sighs and leans on Uraraka. 

"Yeah but... Look at him..." 

They both watch as Izuku's hands go lower as he whispers something in Katsuki's ear that makes him turn red. Urarakas glare intensifies. 

"You know what?! Your right! I'm gonna go over there and show him whats what!" 

Her friend cheers her on as she starts to make her way toward the two boys. 

"You go girl!" 

Uraraka is now behind Izuku and Katsuki spots her before she can say anything. He glares at her and she does the same. She glides her hands over Izuku's back seductively, gaining his attention. 

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