Chapter 112

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Toga looks ahead and sees a big wave forming, sucking in water, getting ready to release it. She screams loudly, turning back. Katsuki gives her a confused look, his spikey blonde hair flattened from the water and clinging to his face. 

"What the hell's your deal?" 

Toga just swims away, passing Katsuki while screaming and laughing. The wave is now halfway done forming and Katsuki looks at it. It shadows over him, and he yells, swimming away. He grabs togas ankle and pulls her back, making her go deeper into the water. 

He screams, turning back to see the wave climbing higher and higher. He sees Izuku and Tomura sitting on the beach and waves crazily at them, still screaming. 


Toga climbs over him, fighting for her life. The other two on the sand look at them, unconcerned for a moment before seeing how far out they are. Izuku stands up and cups his hands over his mouth. 


Katsuki goes to scream back but water goes into his mouth again and he drowns, grabbing onto toga. Shes screaming and laughing, fear in her eyes. She grabs his arm and kicks her legs. Both of them feel their limbs begin to hurt. 

"It's ok Katsuki! Ill carry us to shore!-" 

She also begins to drown. Katsuki, on the brink of death, glances back to see the wave. He gulps and looks at toga. She looks at him, brows furrowing in confusion. 

"I blame you for my death you bitch. You better survive or I'm haunting your ass." 

He lets her go and sinks into the water, giving her a thumbs up. She screams but keeps swimming away. 

"I'll remember your sacrifice brother in lawwwww!!!" 

The last thing toga sees of Katsuki is the wave crashing onto him. She keeps swimming, Izuku running to the water and Tomura clutching his stomach, laughing. She doesn't make it though, the wave also crashing into her. 

Izuku is already in the water, but far away enough that when the wave reaches him its significantly smaller. He swims faster, passing toga who is floating on her back. She stares at the sky, a blank look on her face. 

Clearly suffering with the near death experience, he passes her to look for the other blonde. 

"Katsuki! Where are you?!" 

He catches the sight of his hair, swimming over. Katsuki is floating on his stomach when he gets to him. Izuku grabs his arm and pulls him. He swims them both to shore, Toga already bouncing back. 

She is the first one to make it to the sand, running to twice who just made it to the camp of towels. 

"Twice i almost died!" 

Izuku drags Katsuki to the sand, flipping him so he isn't getting his face covered in it. His red eyes stare into Izuku's green ones. Both of their hair is wet and flattened, sand sticking to their legs. Except for Katsuki, who's whole body is covered in sand now. 

"Fuck this water. Fuck this sand. Fuck this beach." 

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