Chapter 57

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Izuku is looking at the map and when he catches Katsuki staring, he smiles at him. 

"Look Katsuki, there's so much to do! Where should we go first?" 

Izuku hands him the map and Katsuki looks at it. There are a lot of different types of animals, even ones that live in the water. There is an area with food stalls and tables and games. Katsuki looks at where they are now which is the entrance. 

"Let's start from here and make our way down so we don't miss anything." 

Izuku nods and Katsuki leads the way. The first exhibit is gorillas. They are in a kind of inside area with glass so you can see inside. Katsuki watches as one climbs an shoves some fruit in its mouth. 

"It's fucking huge!" 

Izuku laughs and turns his head. Right next to the place with the gorillas is an enclosure with spider monkeys. These ones are swinging around more and have huge logs supported in the air so that they can climb. 

Izuku watches as one goes to the top of the logs and shoves another one down, making it yell and grab onto a lower supported log. 

Katsuki was also watching everything go down and points at the monkey at the top. 

"That monkey is a dick." 

Izuku nods, giving his apologies to the other poor spider monkey. They go through most of the outside exhibits, the zebras, giraffes, lions, panthers, and even the building with all of the reptiles and birds. 

Izuku is busy watching the seals moving around in the water exhibit, so he gives Katsuki his camera. Katsuki catches some photos of Izuku looking at them, and when one passes and stares at Izuku, the freckled boy turns to Katsuki quickly, pointing at it. 

"Ah! Katsuki! Its looking at me! Look! Isn't that freaky!? Its looking at me! What did i do?!" 

Katsuki snaps a picture of Izuku's startled face. 

"Maybe it doesn't like you nerd. Try walking away from it." 

Izuku turns back to the seal and takes a step to the right. The seal follows him. He yells and turns back to Katsuki. 

"Look! What is up with that?! Please tell me your as freaked out as i am!" 

Katsuki laughs and Izuku glares at him, his face lacking any real anger. 

"It's not funny what if it breaks through the glass and tries to get me." 

Katsuki laughs harder and Izuku walks to him, swiping the camera. 

"Go over there and try to see if it does the same thing to you then, see how you like it." 

Katsuki shrugs and walks in front of it. The seal stares past him and at Izuku. 

"I don't know nerd; it's still looking at you." 

Izuku makes a noise and shivers. 

"Ew! Let's get away from it! Let's go see the caracal cats! I heard they have little kittens now!" 

"What are those?" 

"I have no idea but the word kittens sounds way better then looking at these devil seals." 

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