Chapter 27

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Katsuki watches her run, walking normally like he's not just trying to kill a girl. Izuku is still waiting at the stairs down to the basement, the hatch open and ready for the next victim. 

Uraraka sees him but doesn't process what he's actually doing due to her panicked state. Her eyes are blown wide and she's breathing heavily. She had forced her heels off long ago since they made it harder to move. 


She runs to him, wrapping him in a big tight hug, sobbing into his shirt. Izuku pretends to be surprised as he holds her face in his hands, wiping her tears. 

"Uraraka San what's wrong? -" 

She hiccups, interrupting him with louder cries. Her makeup runs down her face and is ruined by how much she's rubbing at her cheeks. 

"Its Bakugo! He- He started to chase me with- with a knife and i-" 

Fat tears run down her face and down her chin, drying and making it feel scratchy. She can't get any more words out, but Izuku finishes the thought for her. There is a serious look on his face, and he stares down at her. 

"It's ok Uraraka San, I'll get us out of here." 

She smiles despite her distress, relieved to have Izuku to rely on. His panicked look melts away and he sighs. She flinches, confused. He gives her one last look and sees Katsuki behind her, approaching slowly. 

He suddenly shoves her down the stairs. Her arms reach out, trying to grasp onto something in her surprise and she can't even make a sound as she crashes down the staircase. 

There's a loud crack and she sees her leg bend the wrong way. She lets out a deafening scream, sobbing and gasping for air. There is the creaking of Izuku and Katsuki making their way down the stairs. 

Izuku stands in front of her as she begins to claw her away across the floor slowly, trying to get away. He grabs her by the hair and forces her to a beam that supports the basement. He ties her up and she struggles, scratching and trying to punch him away. 


Katsuki stands over her, a menacing look on his face. The knife is still in his hands, making even more shivers run through her body. 

"Will you just shut the hell up?! God you are so fucking annoying!" 

She doesn't shut up though. How can she? She is in so much pain and doesn't know what to do. It feels like her ribcage is getting smaller, trapping her organs and forcing them through it, shredding them.

 Her breaths are rigid, and adrenaline is pumping through her veins, trying to urge her body to pick itself up and run away as fast as she can. 

How did this happen? Her perfect Izuku would never do this to her, never. He likes her, she likes him, they like each other. So why? 

Urarakas blurry vision lands on him. There is no kind smile on his face, no playfulness in his eyes and no gentleness. This Izuku isn't the one she fell in love with. 

This Izuku is a monster. 

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