Chapter 85

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Katsuki looks at him, the notebook still in his hands. Despite all of these years, it's still in perfect condition. 

"I don't think its cringy. I think it's cool you were so dedicated."

Izuku is about to open his mouth to say something but Katsuki's eyes land on something that makes him race over to it. 

"Oh fuck!" 

Katsuki has a big grin plastered on his face as he holds up the big book, cursive letters reading 'Izuku Midoriya Ages 0 to 12'. 

"Is this what i think it is?" 

Katsuki says in a singsong tone and Izuku's eyes widen. His mother must have left that in here the last time she was in here. He leans forward, reaching out for the book. Katsuki takes a step back, still grinning. Izuku can't get far since Fizz refuses to move off of his lap. Instead, the kitty moves up, clawing into his shirt. 


Katsuki opens the book and looks through it. Izuku is preoccupied with trying to get Fizz's little claws out of the fabric. The first photos are of baby Izuku, first being held by a young looking women. She has straight dark green hair and the same eyes as Izuku, but no freckles. 

The scribbling next to the photo says that the women is Inko Midoriya, his mom. She is definitely a pretty woman, maybe that's where Izuku gets it from. The photo next to it is of a man holding baby Izuku, but his face is scribbled out in thick black marker. 

Katsuki glances at Izuku but keeps looking through it. Fizz lets out a loud meow as Izuku scolds him.

"How are you holding on so good? Let go Fizz, right now." 

"Meow." (Hell no) 

There is a photo of a three year old Izuku. He is holding an all might figure, a big smile on his face. He is next to a big man, posing in the same position as the figure. 

"No fucking way," 

Katsuki holds the album so that Izuku can see from where he is being held hostage. Izuku stares at the picture for a second before recognition dawns on his face. 

"Did you really meet all might's actor? Holy shit he looks just like him. No wonder you're such a fanboy." 

Izuku rolls his eyes with a smile and finally stops fighting. He plops down again, fizz letting go of his shirt. The kitten steps to his head and lays down, covering his whole face. Katsuki flips through the pages again and stops at a random one. 

Its Izuku in a middle school uniform, dark circles under his eyes like he hasn't slept in days. His eyes are blankly staring at the person taking the photo, who seems to be moving. The background and one part of Izuku's body is blurred. 

Still, his eyes stare into the camera. Katsuki stares back before finally shutting the book with a satisfying clap. He puts it back to where it was before. There is a muffled scream and Katsuki turns his head quickly to look at Izuku. 

Fizz is still on his face and Izuku is trying to get him off, but the kittens claws dig into his cheeks. 


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