Chapter 24

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"Hey Midoriya Kun! Come dance with me!" 

Izuku backs up slightly, surprised. He turns to look at her. 

"U-Uraraka San what are you doing..." 

She turns red but continues, grinding on him slightly. Katsuki watches with a blank look on his face. 

"Come on, just give me a chance~" 

Izuku glances at Katsuki who glares at Uraraka but nods anyway. 

"I'll go back to the table. Come back when you're done." 

Katsuki forces himself to walk away, the displeasure clear in his voice. 

'I can't wait to kill this bitch.' 

Izuku gives her a pretend nervous smile. 

"Uraraka San, you don't need to do that..." 

Izuku puts his hands on her waist, and she instinctively wraps her arms around his neck, taking the place of Katsuki. Uraraka blushes, noticing the height difference between them. She looks down. 

"H-how do you do that..." 

Izuku gives her a confused look, a smile on his face. 

"Do what?" 

Uraraka laughs, looking at him, taking in all of him. 

"You always are so kind and charming, even when you aren't trying... Can i tell you something about the first time we met?" 

Izuku nods, glad he won't have to say anything to answer her because he honestly doesn't remember. 

"That day, i was going through a really bad break up... I was so sad about it, i thought i would never get over it..." 

A young looking Uraraka in a uniform is crying quietly in the empty hallway before classes. She keeps wiping at her eyes, trying to get the tears to stop.  A Izuku in the same uniform its next to her, giving her a box of tissues, his smile bright and welcoming. 

"But you were there, a boy i never met in my life, coming to comfort me with a box of tissues and an adorable story about how you were scared you'd be late because you kept getting lost, all in an empty hallway... Seems like something out of a romance movie right...? Anyway, i did everything i could to get your attention but nothing seemed to work..." 

Izuku smiles and lifts her head with a finger. Uraraka sees his eyes gleam and for a second, she thinks he's going to eat her alive. 

"Who said it didn't work?" 

Her eyes widen and Izuku looks away, pretending to be flustered. 

"I-I know it might be a little sudden but... Do you think you could come over to my house tonight?... Katsuki won't be home because of family stuff, so we'd have the house to ourselves..."  

Uraraka turns red, her heart beating quickly. 

"Y-Yeah- Yeah! I could come over..." 

Uraraka leans in for a kiss, but Izuku puts a finger on her mouth to stop her. 

"C-could you wait a little longer...? I want our first kiss to be special..." 

Uraraka smiles, dazed. 

"Whatever you want Midoriya kun."

It comes out dragged out and in a whisper. They both continue to dance and eventually it's time to go. Everyone gathers at the front of the club.

"Well, that was so much fun! We should totally do this again!"

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