Chapter 129

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Toga folds her arms, her golden eyes staring at the two of them with a look. 

"You two must be crazy if you don't see it." 

Dabi and Tomura glare at her, speaking at the same time. 

"See what?" 

Toga groans, pinching the bridge of her nose. She opens her mouth to say something, but Katsuki interrupts her loudly. 

"Oh shit, when was this one painted Toga!?" 

She looks at him confused, but then her eyes widen in understanding. She walks over to him and the painting he's pointing at. 

It's of Tomura and Izuku, both in fancy suits. Tomura is in his teens, holding a young Izuku in his arms. Tomura's hair is cut short, and he looks displeased by something. Izuku just looks confused, holding Tomura's suit tightly. 

Toga tilts her head, humming. She stares at it for a couple of seconds and shrugs. 

"I actually don't know. Tomuraaaa you know right?" 

The blue haired man looks at the portrait, still glaring. 

"Don't remember." 

Toga pouts and whispers to Katsuki, who leans closer to hear her. 

"Hes such a liar. I'm sure Izuku knows, we'll ask him later." 

Tomuras phone dings as toga and Katsuki continue looking at portraits. He opens the text from Izuku. 

Izuku: Where are you guys? It's time for the portrait.

Tomura types back, Dabi looking over. 

Tomura: In the portrait room. We'll meet you. 

Dabi gets up and is already walking to the door. The other three look over, Tomura turning off his phone and also getting up. 

"Where are you guys going?" 

The servants start to open the door, Dabi leaving. 

"Everyone is waiting for us. Hurry up." 

Following, everyone exits the room. Katsuki takes one last look at the door. Toga and twice are talking loudly, Katsuki joining in. 

Dabi glances at Tomura, who is staring blankly ahead. He pats the others head. They don't say anything and just keep walking. 

The room is pretty open, with huge windows so that the sun comes in. The professional painters are on standby, a huge canvas in front of them. 

It would have taken forever if it was just one painter working. Inko has hired hundreds over the years. They work fast and in sync with one another thanks to her special training course. 

Meaning she hurts them if they can't get it right. 

Izuku sits on one of the chairs set out for them, waiting for everyone to show up. He watches the painters getting ready, making sure everything is in its place.

They move swiftly and together. It kind of creeps him out, watching at least five people looking as if they are even breathing in and out at the same time. 

Finally, the silence is broken by the door opening, people stepping in. Dabi looks at him and goes over, Tomura following behind him. He smiles at them. 

Katsuki, Toga, and twice walk in too. Twice stops at the door though, standing next to the other servants. Toga tackles him in a hug. 

Dabi and Tomura sit in the chairs next to him. 

"Izuku! It feels like i haven't seen you in forever!" 

Izuku hugs her back, Togas golden eyes shining. 

"I saw you at least 30 minutes ago toga." 

She laughs, letting him go and standing up straight. Her attention is brough elsewhere. She goes over to the painters. 

Katsuki goes over to him and Izuku stares. Then it hits him, eyes widening. He stands up and grabs Katsuki's hand. 

"I just realized Katsuki! You haven't put your suit on! Come on we have to hurry before they get here!" 

Katsuki doesn't have time to say anything before he's being dragged out of the room, down the hall, and into another one. The maids in that room jump as Izuku bangs on the door. 

He turns to Katsuki, a big smile on his face as he laughs. 

"You're lucky we have a lot of dressing rooms around." 

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