Chapter 118

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Its silent. She stares at him, the previous expression on her face. He waits, not moving or saying anything. She needs time to process what he's saying, but when she does its clear. 

Her face falls and she stares coldly at him. The hands on his face grip tighter, his flesh coming out in between the spaces of her fingers. Still, he doesn't even flinch. As if he will ever forget how to deal with her when she's like this. 

No sudden movements or sounds. Just stay quiet and wait for her to do something. Then work your way around what she does. 

"Why would you say something like that Izuku..." 

Her voice is quiet and sounds so fragile. Izuku stares at the space behind her, not wanting to look into her eyes anymore. 

"Hes a very important person to me so i want him there with us." 

Inko doesn't move for a while. There are birds chirping from somewhere nearby. The weather is as nice as always. It was always so nice here, besides the constant struggles of living with his parents.

"Important to you?" 

Her voice breaks and he finally looks at her again. Her eyes are tearing up and small tears fall onto her cheeks. Her shoulders shake slightly, and Izuku moves his arms to hug her. She cries into his shirt, her sobbing muffled. 

She was always like this. 

Her moods have been a thin line, different from one minute to the next. She was just like his father, even if her way was a little different. Maybe that's why they fell in love with each other in the first place. 

The thought makes him want to laugh. 

"And what am i Izuku?! Am i not as important to you anymore!? What happened to you?! You used to be so small, so dependent on me! What happened to that Izuku!? The one who would follow me everywhere?! The one who would do anything to protect his mother!?" 

She grips onto his shirt, and he stands there. The pangs of guilt building up in his chest weigh him down. It makes his tongue feel like stone when he speaks. 

"You are important to me. Just in a different way. Some things have changed but I'm still-" 

She lifts her head to look at him, her eyes puffy and red. Her cheeks are tracked with tear stains. 

"No, no no everything has changed! Youve changed into someone i don't even know! Is this all to torment me?! Is that it?!" 

She cries louder and Izuku struggles, trying to comfort her despite his conflicting feelings. Why does he feel like he's in the wrong? He hasn't done anything, nothing to justify this kind of reaction so why? 

"Mom that isn't-" 

She sniffs, wiping at her face. Her green eyes glare into his own and he stops. She steps closer, digging her pointer finger into his chest as she speaks. 

"You have no idea what I've been through Izuku. You leave me all alone here, and I decide to forgive you! Look how kind and accepting I've been despite you running away like a coward! And this is how you repay me?!" 

Izuku twists his mouth closed, being quiet. She digs deeper, stepping closer. So close Izuku keeps having to step back, which only makes her angrier. 

"You ungrateful child! Apologize to me!" 

She moves before Izuku can understand what's happening. 

She winds her hand back and slaps him. He feels his head tilt slightly and the harsh sting. He stares at the ground for a moment, before turning to her. His eyes are wide in shock. 

She isn't faring much better, panic on her face. She cups his cheeks again and cries more. He just stares at her. 

"Look what you did now! Oh, my poor Izuku, its ok, its ok. It's your fault for saying such despicable things! I forgive you Izuku, its ok..." 

Izuku feels his hands shaking and sees them when he holds onto her dress. 

"I'm... Sorry." 

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