Chapter 89

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He hears his own footsteps against the smooth floor. They sound so loud, hammering against his skull. He never liked how clean and smooth this marble was, it made him feel small. He hates this house; how big it is compared to him.

 He didn't expect this, he thought he could at least wait until dinner for him to make an entrance. But of course, the old man would do this, he should have known better by now. 

Where is Katsuki? He can't do this alone; he knows he can't. He'll just leave, hide out in his room until this whole thing blows over, it doesn't matter if that bastard gets mad, he moved away for a reason, he can handle it. 

If he just turns away now, it'll be over and done, he can go this whole trip without seeing him. Before he can move his feet, he realizes he's already in front of the door, a woman opening it for him. 


"Wait i-" 

The door is now open fully, letting him see into the room. The downside is that he also sees him. He sits at his desk, hands folded neatly on the smooth surface. His red eyes stare into his green ones and he feels like his soul is being sucked out of his body. 

His white hair frames his sharp and hard features, the years of hardship and age barely there. The freckles on his face are a reminder that the two are definitely related. Izuku has never seen his father out of a suit since he was born, and he never plans to. 

"It's too late to try and run away. I know you like to do that." 

Izuku tries his best to steady his expression into a glare. He steps into the office and hears the door shut behind him. Hes trapped here now. The older man gives him an exasperated look, sighing to himself. The office is the same as he remembers it, all business. 

"I didn't run away." 

He knows he did, but like hell he's going to say that to him right now. Still the man doesn't buy that, and it shows on his face. 

"Yes, you did. Why would you do such a foolish thing? Your mother was devastated." 

Izuku tightens his fist, wanting to ram it into the man's face over and over again as he sits there. There is an air to him, the way he looks at you like he knows he's better, more superior. It makes Izuku want to take him down a peg. 

"It wasn't foolish. It was the best thing i had ever done. I would do it again over and over, and I'm going to." 

The man doesn't move from his seat. Izuku stares him down, standing in the middle of the office. There are no pictures in here, no warmth and no photos. Just books, papers, and bottles of alcohol in a locked up cabinet. 

"We'll see about that." 

The mans red eyes look over him with distain. 

"It hurts seeing how you haven't changed at all." 

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