Chapter 54

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"No, I'm not even sure she knows who my family is and even if she does Uraraka isn't that type of person." 

The man looks at him, eyes intense and face rigid. 

"Youve been speaking as if she is still here, why?" 

Izuku glares at him. 

"Because i believe Uraraka will come home. Isn't that what you said? That you'll find her? What? Do you not think so?" 

The man stares at Izuku and shuts his notebook. 

"I'm just trying to get a good idea of the facts Midoriya. If I'm going to do that i need to ask a lot of questions." 

"I don't think you're asking the right one's sir." 

"Your father, he had a partner. What was his name again?... Oh right."

The man pauses in his sentence, pretending to think. 

"Toshinori Yagi. Now tell me if I'm wrong but-" 

Izuku interrupts him. 

"Sir. If you have a problem with my father or any of his work partners, then take it up with them. I am not here to listen to your melodrama, I'm here to help you find my friend. But if you aren't going to do your job then I'm done here." 

Izuku stands up and leaves the room, slamming the door behind him. The man does not follow. Katsuki stands up and follows Izuku as he leaves. The three people still sitting turn to ask what's going on, but their sentences are cut short when the door closes. 

Izuku takes a deep breath once they're inside the car, Katsuki putting on his seat belt and looking at him. 

"What happened, you ok?" 

Izuku looks at him and grins. 

"I'm ok, it was just kinda annoying. Anyway, you ready to go to the zoo?" 

Katsuki stares at him for a little bit, then leans into the passenger seat. 

"Yeah, but its gonna take fucking forever to even get there." 

Izuku turns the car on, the engine turning over smoothly, and gets the car out of the parking lot of the police station. 

"Put on some music then, it'll make it go by faster." 

- - - - - - 

Todoroki hears the door slam shut and opens the door to the office, looking out. The two boys, Bakugo and Izuku leave, going into a car and out of the parking lot. He sees his dad talking to the other three teenagers, probably telling them that he'll keep them updated if anything comes up. They leave soon after and his dad goes into the office.

Todoroki watches as his dad plumets into his chair, sending it back slightly. It creaks and Todoroki thinks his dad is lucky to have a chair that won't break over his muscle weight. 

"Did you find out anything." 

Coming from him, it sounds more like a statement then a question. He was always told that the way he spoke with almost no tone or emotion was unnerving, like a robot. His father instead of answering, slides the notebook notes to him. 

He goes over and looks through them, reading out loud.

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