Chapter 138

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He stops running, the rain still hammering down on him. There is a bright light and then a second later there is the clap of thunder. Izuku wipes at his face and takes a look in front of him. 

There is a small area in this part of the forest that has a small lake. It's pretty deep and it would be difficult to swim out of. Izuku knows this because on his many runs out into these woods, he fell in. 

The plants in the bottom of the lake are long, and they gripped on Izuku's tiny legs when he tried to swim to land. Izuku runs a little while longer, and then finally he is standing in front of the lake. 

The water is a mess, excitedly in motion because of the rain. All of the water sounds loud to his ears. The water is muddled and hard to see in, but Izuku isn't the one who's going to be going in this time. 

His shoes crunch on the hard pebbles that line the outside of the small lake, and he puts his backpack on the ground. He gets the rifle and the rest of the supplies, strapping them onto his body. 

He steadily holds the rifle, aiming it at one of the many trees. He takes a deep breath, and when he releases it, a shot rings out. He doesn't wait any longer, turning around and hiding in one of the areas. 

He crouches down, making sure he is covered and with a good view. He steadies the rifle, down on his stomach and waiting with bated breath. 




His ears pick up on a sound other than the rain. Heavy footsteps are coming closer and closer. Izuku feels his breath halt for a moment, but he stays focused. His green eyes narrow, looking for the man to appear. 

He sees him instantly. His suit is still in nice condition, though wet from the rain. His white hair is sticking to his face and his expression is still blank, but Izuku swears he sees a glint of excitement in his red eyes. 

The man looks around for a moment, and then he sees the bullet hole in the tree. He goes over to it and feels it with his fingers, a small hum escaping him. Izuku scowls. The man is still not in his range. 

Hisashi looks away from the tree and to the lake. He stares at it as he speaks. 

"Hiding won't do you any good boy." 

He pauses, leaning against the tree, his hand still gripping the gun. 

"You know, there is something i have always wondered." 

Izuku feels his back getting colder and colder because of the rain. He mentally wishes this old man would just shut up and let him put a bullet into his skull. But of course, he keeps on talking. 

"How could someone as useless as you be my son. Unlike those other free loaders, you're my flesh and blood. You were supposed to be better. But now look at you." 

Hisashi smiles to himself, his huge build just right there, but Izuku is forced to do more waiting. He is trying his best to ignore what the man is saying. 

"You think i wouldn't notice? You like that boy. It wasn't enough for you to be useless to me as an heir, you had to take it even further." 

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