Chapter 93

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They are outside now, and the weather is just as nice as before. This area is different from the garden. This place is restricted for his mother only. His father made this rule after she had a breakdown around the time Izuku was four. 

That is why it's so secluded, only a handful of servants are even allowed in. It's mostly run by the forest, a small trail leading them through the wild trees. 

"Take a walk with me Izuku." 

She had barely made any noise. She scared him sometimes because when she wasn't worrying, she was as silent as a ghost. 

She liked the quiet. Kept her away from her problems. 

Her terrifying husband 

Her terrifying son just like him 

Izuku feels the small rocks under his shoe and glances at her. The cool wind blows her hair, but it just falls back into place. She doesn't look at him, just keeps her face forward. The only sign that she even knows he's there with her is her hand gripping on to his. 

The birds are background music to their silence even when they sound so far away. After a couple of minutes on the small trail, she finally speaks to him. She always talked in a soft and firm voice.  

Unless she was breaking down, screaming at the top of her lungs. 

"How have you been?" 

Izuku sees something rustling in a bush nearby, but they don't stop their walk to see what it is. 

"I've been ok. How about you mother." 

Unlike her husband, Inko Midoriya was always opened to small talk. 

"Just fine. Everyone has been so sad about you leaving, it feels like it was just yesterday." 

Izuku doesn't want to remember that day, even though he knows he can never forget. Maybe he's just like her in a lot of ways. One of the big similarities being that they both like to avoid remembering their mistakes and problems. 

He says nothing so she keeps talking. Warm sun touches his face and he feels it heat him up. 

"Everyone forgives you Izuku. You don't need to hide anymore. I know that..." 

She pauses for a moment, trying to figure out how to frame her sentence. 

"I know that i haven't always been the best mother. But if you could just give me one more chance, give your family one more chance, everything could go back to normal." 

Her normal was pretending everything was fine. 

"I'm not going to stay. After i get a message saying everything has cooled down back at home, I'm leaving." 

He sees her eyes drop from the corner of his eye. They are back to silence. 

"Please forgive your father Izuku. He loves you very much, i promise you." 

Izuku stares at her, silent. 

"If you just forgive him, everything will go back to normal." 

"Just forgive him." 

"Trust me Izuku, everything will be ok." 

"This is your home Izuku, and it will always be. No matter where you run off to, this is where you belong." 

He hopes this walk will end soon. 

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