➜❥𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 2

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(Because of her shout, angel woke up and start crying. Vaish took angel from teju, and started calming her, she felt asleep.)

Teju: Sorry di! But why u kept there?

Vaish; if I keep in kitchen ,u and Karan will eat them ,so I kept it in my room that too in bedside drawer, who knows that u will eat it from there too ? .

Teju: Now what will I do?

Vaish: Don't worry, of anything happened say to me, Then we can go to doctor.

Teju: hmmm okay! (After that she became sad).

After sometime Both Abhishek and karan came from office, they both went and become fresh and all sat at dining table. Angel was sleeping. Teju was looking sad.

Abhi: Tejasswi! What happened to you? Why are you sad?

Teju: Jiju... actually.....I am feeling something happening in my body, it's some weird.

Vaish understood that.

Karan: haha,, that only humans feels not a panda like u.( He said and laughed.)

Vaish glared at him. He stopped laughing, Tejasswileft from without having food.

After Tejasswi left, vaish told them ,what happened, everyone felt bad for her,

After all ate dinner in silence, and karan took food for teju and went to her room. He saw that she was standing near balcony, tears were flowing down her cheeks, he kept the food plate on the table, and went towards her, and back Hugged her.

Karan: Is my cutie pie sad?

Teju: hmmm!

Karan: it's okay teju, there will be any solution for that, don't worry.

Teju: u know abt that?

Karan: yes! Bhabhi told !

Teju  turned towards him and hugged him,

Teju: karan ,it will be so embarrassing!

Karan: What embarrassing?

Teju: Without getting pregnant ,I am lactating breast milk .

Karan: it's okay my cutie pie ,leave that., now come have dinner,

Teju: I don't want have it I'm not hungry .

Karan: Come on I know you are hungry.

Teju : but I don't feel like eating anything right now .

Karan : I'm not gonna hear any of your excuse . Come here I will feed you .

And he knows that ,she will never deny when he feed her, so he fed her dinner.

Karan; now sleep! Take some rest you will feel good .

Teju : Karan ! Tomorrow is Sunday, Come on let's watch some movies.,

Karan: u decide the movies, and I will bring snacks and juice.

Teju: okay!

Teju's pov,

Oh god! Why did I ate that cookies, after hearing what di said, I was shocked,what will I do? Now I am sitting on my bed, I am feeling that my breast are getting heavy I feel like it may blast anytime, I don't what will happen next.

After some minutes Karan entered my room , he gave me a wide smile, and I returned that. He came and settled himself near me, and we both started watching movie, he wrapped his arms around me, and my was on his shoulder, and after we don't know when I felt asleep.

Teju's Pov ends

Karan's pov.

After sometime I saw that she was asleep in my arms, I switched off the TV, and then I covered us with duvet, most of time I sleep with her, so no problem when we sleep together.

In morning.

Teju's pov.

In morning , I felt something under my head, I lifted my head and saw karan, I am just went to my karan dreamland. My chest pain brought me back to the world. Goddddd! It's paining more than yesterday,

Teju: Ouucchhh oh nooo sh!!tt !

And karan woke up because of my shout, and he saw me ,

Karan: what's wrong? Is everything okay? Why r u shouting?

Teju: uhmm... actually my chest is paining more than yesterday, I wasn't able to bear that pain, so I shouted,

Karan: wait! I will call bhabhi, and she will say something to solve this problem.

After that he went to call his bhabhi, i just lay back down on bed, after few seconds, I heard door open, di entered and sat beside me on bed,

Vaish: Tejasswi! What happened baby? Are you fine?

Teju:( I hugged her stomach and started to cry) Di...my chest is paining a lot di, what will I do ? Please do something I can't bear this anymore...

Vaish; wait! I will call doctor and ask her about this.

And then she called jiju, to bring her mobile, he brought and saw me crying, he came to me and kissed my forehead,

Abhi: Don't worry my Teddy you will be fine .

He said and told him to make breakfast, and he went to make that. Vaish called doctor and told all the things. Then after getting answer for her questions she ended the call.

Vaish: Actually teju , doctor said that , u r breast is paining because it contains full milk, when it's emptied , the pain will be relieved.

Teju: but ,how can I do that?

Vaish: there is a breast pump , which will help u. But it's only available in online, or there is a little bit of chance to be in the shop, u go and take shower, after eating breakfast me , Abhi and Angel will go to shops, we can ask the shops that they have that pump or not, u just take rest.

Teju: okay di!

Then I went to take shower.

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