➜❥𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 21

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Teju's pov

After I said karan, that riyaz is my boyfriend his expression changed, how can someone be so good in acting?, Okay, stage 1 completed , now I have to start stage 2 of plan.

Teju: Come darling, let's go!

Then we both came out of the room and he locked outside of the room,

Teju: Well darling, whose mansion is this?

Ri: Ofc, it's mine baby!

Teju: this mansion is so beautiful?

Ri: yes baby!

Teju: okay, leave that! Now the important thing is, i want to steal his documents from his locker, if u want to keep any important documents there, u can keep there!

Ri: But he also know passwords na,...
He was cut off by teju,

Teju: Don't worry, u come with me to AK company, I will keep documents in front u, and I will change the password , Don't worry!

Ri: Okay, come let me show u the documents!

Then he took me too his room, and he took some important documents, files, some pendrive, and CDS he kept on the table,

Ri: I have to keep all these things.

Teju: Okay,

Now I have to take photos of these things, he is near me, how can I take photos? Wait, I have a idea.

Teju: Ri Baby, what kind of boyfriend you are?

I said making grumpy face,turns my face towards other side, he caught my shoulder, and made me turn towards him,

Ri: Why baby? What happened?

Teju: I came to this house for the first time, u didn't even give me a glass of water!

Ri: wait here, I will bring it for u!

He said and ran towards outside ,this is the correct time ,I took my phone captured pictures in every angle, then I kept my phone in my bag again, still he didn't bring water, then I saw balcony I went there and stood there, cold breeze touching my skin, then I felt someone beside me, it was riyaz,

Ri: Here is u r water!

Then I took water from him and I drank, then he was standing beside me and blabbering something, I was not giving damn to it, suddenly my chest started paining, oh god I forgot, today I didn't emptied milk from my breast, now what should I do? Only Karan can help me ,now what should I say with him, let's try this,..

Teju: Ri Baby, I came here to torture Karan, but I forgot it, now let me go and torture him, u just keep the documents, in the safe place, I am going to torture him, bye!

Then I came outside, and went towards the room where Karan had been locked, I opened the lock and went inside and locked the door from inside, he saw me and gave me a smile, and I returned back.

Karan: So, how is our Plan going?

Teju: Everything is going well.

Karan: what took you to come here?

Teju:Uhmm... actually my chest is paining, and today I didn't emptied milk from my breast, so I came to feed u ..u must be hungry too,..

Karan: then for what r u Waiting?

And I went towards him, sat on his lap, and  I unzipped my shirt and took my breast out, I put my nipple on his mouth ,he started to suck, I felt my milk flowing into his mouth, I think he was so hungry.

Teju: I will come tomorrow morning here, for stage 3 of plan, that time I will say anything to him and I will come to feed u, okay?

And he just nodded his head, I took my phone and send pictures to Abhi jiju, then I started scrolling my phone, then I didn't feel his lips on my nipple, I saw him that he was completed my one breast, then I took another breast out, and he put his lips on my another nipple and started to suck it, then I came to my work, started scrolling my phone, after sometime he completed his work, I saw some milk on his lips , I captured my lips with his, and tasted my own milk, and for my surprise he kissed me back, after few minutes , we broke the kiss, I bought a make up kit ,if u ask y, I have to do make up, like he was injured by getting beat from me, then I started doing his make up, then again I settled myself in his laps and we both were kissing each other, when I heard a door knocking sounds...

And he just nodded his head, I took my phone and send pictures to Abhi jiju, then I started scrolling my phone, then I didn't feel his lips on my nipple, I saw him that he was completed my one breast, then I took another breast out, and he put his...

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