➜❥𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 34

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Someone's pov, from somewhere.

How dare u can beat me, u kept hand on the business man's son, I will not leave u, and like a good man u took me to hospital, my brother didn't complete my dad's wish, so that he called me India, and I want to take u r happiness from u, and then by blackmailing I will take the company from u, hahaha(evil laugh) I heard that u r wife is u r happiness, and she is pregnant too, so u r now double happy, Don't worry it won't last long.

With TejRan,

Teju was sleeping for past 3 hrs, karan went towards her, and lay down beside her, he kept his head near her tummy, lifted her t-shirt and kissed her tummy, due to this teju woke, but she was acting like sleeping to test his husband.

Karan: Hey little baby, you know what, u r troubling mom, she is puking everytime, don't trouble your mommy! And you know what, I love u sooo much, I want to play with u, I want to dance with u, I will do every silly fights with u , we both will be in one team and trouble your Mumma. if u want to cry u r dad will give shoulder for u, we both go for movie, we can go for a long drive without mom....

Teju: without me?

Karan: yeah, just we both.

Teju: I will join with u, (to baby) baby, u will allow mommy to come with u na, and we can eat ice creams at late nights, we can go for a movie without dad, ..

Both were talking with baby,..

After 7 weeks

Now Teju has a small baby bump, Abhinavi and angel went to Abhi's friends place, now karan was feeling someone was noticing them, he called his assistant and asked about someone, and his assistant told him that he was a business man's son, and his name is RAGHAV . Karan was taking care of teju , ..

One day karan was in kitchen, teju was standing on upstairs and seeing how her husband was cooking, suddenly she felt someone behind her, Karan saw and shouted..

Karan:  Tejaaasswwiii !!!

But before he could complete, that someone pushed Tejasswi, and she fall on the stairs, after a 7-8 rolls, she landed on the floor, she was shouting badly, catching her tummy,her eyes half closed, karan left everything and came near teju, he took her head in his lap and patted her cheeks, but no response, he saw blood coming between her legs., he quickly called ambulance and told Abhinavi abt this, and someone removed his mask..

Someone: u messed with this RAGHAV..now face the consequences..(he was sitting on the stairs, and seeing how Karan was worried and crying).

Karan's eyes filled up with tears, he hands began to shake, soon he heard ambulance sounds, he lifted her and put her in ambulance and took his phone, and locked the door, and he went inside ambulance, and went to hospital,..

Karan was sitting outside emergency room ,soon he saw someone standing beside him, he lifted his head and saw Abhi, he hugged him tight, and broke down on his shoulder, Abhi patted his back,

Abhi: everything will be fine karan! Just Clam down and pray .

Karan: I..ts....my....mi...s..ta ..ke...b.h..ai! Wh...at...I..f...so...me....t...hin..g..ha..p....p..ens...to....m..y  T.eju an..d ..ba..by?

Abhi: Nothing will happen!
Okay do u know who did this?

Then karan told everything to Abhi, now karan's angry is like boiling volcano, anytime can burst, his eyes were in red colour, he quickly took his phone and called jack, and told him to kidnap Raghav. After sometime jack called him and told that he kidnapped Raghav, karan took Abhi bhai car and drove to his secret place, then he went inside and saw Raghav tied to the rope, his legs both tied together, mouth was pasted by tape. Karan saw him, and his anger raised, he went to his table and took gun from it, and shooted directly in the Raghav's center head ,then he told jack to clean everything,, and went to hospital, he saw doctor coming out from emergency room,

Karan: Doctor, is my wife fine?

Doc: yeah, u r wife is absolutely fine, ...but ...

Karan: but? But what doctor?

Doc: but we can't save your baby .....

Doc: but we can't save your baby

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Finally Raghav was dead.😌😌

Now what about TejRan's baby?😢😢😢

My poor babies didn't deserved this 😭💔!!! 

My poor babies didn't deserved this 😭💔!!! 

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