➜❥𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 16

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Then everyone completed their work, and sitting on the couch, when karan got up went to kitchen he opened the fridge and searched every corner, he didn't find a cake, he came back to living room, and saw three of them playing ludo in their mobile phone,

Karan: where is it?

Teju: what,?

Karan: cake! My birthday cake!

Teju: You are going to turn 23, and u r behaving like a child to just cut your birthday cake,!

Abhi: Tejasswi, I had ordered cake for karan's birthday, you guys be here, I will go and bring cake from shop.

Teju: But jiju, it's 11:15, the shop would be closed na?

Abhi: no Tejasswi, it will open till 3'o clock, so I am going.

He went and took his car and left the house, after few minutes karan received a call, from unknown number, he attended it,

Karan: hello !

Sm: Is this Karan?

Karan: yess! But who are you?

Sm: I saw someone kidnapping u r brother.

Karan: what? Kidnapping? Where?

Sm: I don't know, he took your brother , so I followed him, and I saw u r brother was tied to the chair and some one was beating him, I am sending you the address come soon
*he said while panicking*

Karan: wait, I will come there!

Then karan said this information to Vaish and teju ,they both shocked and karan told both of them to stay in the house, karan took his car keys and went where Abhi is, after Karan left the home, vaish took angel in her arms ,teju took car and both of them followed karan's car, when Karan entered the place, it was dark, he heard some screams, he recognized the voice ,and it was Abhi bhai's voice, his eyes started getting teary, the screams made him teary,

Someone voice: Turn back!

Karan turn back as soon he heard that voice, he saw teju was standing with a cake, and on the cake the candle is blowing, near beside teju Abhinavi were standing,then the full become brighten, there were full of lights, it's decorated beautifully.

Karan : what the hell is going on huh?

Teju/Abhinavi: Happy birthday to youuu .... happy birthday too youu....happy birthday Dear karan..May god bless you dear...May god bless you.

Karan : wtff are you guys serious ?? I mean how could you ? How could you guys do this type of pranks huh?

Teju : we wanted to surprise you that's y !

Karan : oh come on !! What kind of surprise is this ? Do you guys have any idea how much worried I was ?

Abhi : leave it na Karan . We are sorry okay now come let's cut the cake let's not spoil your birthday huh?

Karan : okay fine !!!but... butt I won't forgive you guys so soon for what have you done . Don't ever play such pranks with me .

Vaish : okay we will see that later now cut the cake .

Then He blow's the candle and cuts the cake, then he fed to all, and all went home , Abhinavi went to their room, and teju went to karan's room, she pushed him on bed ,and hovered over him....

Teju hovered over him, and kissed his nose,

Karan: where is my gift?

Teju: u r gift, so you want your birthday gift isn't? Then come to my room after few minutes, *she said winking,.*

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