➜❥𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 19

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She had written "I love you too" on the board, he got confused, he was abt to shout, but Tejasswi indicated him to keep quiet, she showed him the pen, and written "this pen had mic" he got more confused now, she again rubbed the board and written "whatever I am saying, take it as a opposite" he nodded on this ,
She took pen near her.

Teju: I love only riyaz, I can't live without him! I Love him to the moon and back Karan why don't you understand ?

She said this, and he was abt to speak, she put her fingers on his lips, she went find a hammer (I don't know where) she hitted that pen with hammer , then the pen broken into pieces, but still she didn't satisfy that the mic was broke or not, so she went inside washroom, filled the bucket with full of water, she dipped the pen, and came outside, everything was seen by Karan .

Teju: karan, that pen has a mic it has connected to other person, so if we speak anything it will be heard by him, and the gift was given by Riyaz to u, so he is the one who trying to poke his nose in our personal.

Karan: Tejasswi, he got to know abt that we are the AK company's owner, hereafter he can do anything, we have to Inform bhai and bhabhi tomorrow, now if he trapped us, I have a plan to Trap him in his way.

Teju: what? I mean how?

Karan: see, now u said that, u love Riyaz, he would be heard that by now, so the plan is (gejsgkssujbzssdghznsvxjxlz
vxjzbznxkxjsvsldvdksgdidjdbhdosbskznxvdhd 🙄😡😩😘👿😈😼🔫🔪💣, you guys can understand nothing, only author knows, if anyone understood just comment it, I will say it's correct or not😂😂)

Teju: Okay cool, come lets sleep!

Karan: only sleep?

Teju: You had started u r birthday with great work, now I am tired, let's sleep!

Karan: Okay, if you want only this and it's fine *he said with a sad face
(Made a like a sad)

She went layed on his bed, he came and layed beside her, he didn't even cuddle her, she felt bad for him, and pecked his lips, he turned his face other side, she understood.

Teju sat straight and removed her top, and bra too, now karan can't avoid her, he saw her half naked, he can't able to control himself, teju avoided him layed on her side.

Karan: Mine laddoo!
(He said while wrapping his arms around her waist)

Teju smiled to herself, and turned towards him.

Teju: whatt? what happened? U r Angry with me na, then why r u cuddling me?

Karan: Angry? When? How? And for what?

Teju: Nothing, leave! Lets sleep.

Karan: Okayyyy!

He kissed her tattoo, and took one nipple in his mouth, and slept.

In morning.

All were sitting down in breakfast, karan told what happened in party.

Karan: bhai, u know na, that khurana company is doing more illegal works, we can give complain to police, abt them.

Abhi: But karan, we don't have proof.

Karan: For that I am and teju made a plan, (they shared their plan with Abhinavi).

Abhi: What if something happens we ca---
He was cut off by Karan ,.

Karan: bhai, nothing will happen trust me, from today the plan should Start,

Then they all had breakfast, Karan and Abhi was standing in the living area, beside them vaish carrying angel ,and Tejasswi .

Karan:(he picked angel from Vaish arms): Hey my princess, chachu will miss you, be safe with mumma and papa, we will meet after two days,(he said kissed her forehead and cheeks)

He gave princess to vaish, vaish hugged karan.

Vaish: karan ,be careful, be strong, we can do it.

Then vaish broke the hug and kissed his forehead, then Abhi hugged him.

Karan: bhai, Don't keep u r phone on silent, do every work perfectly, if we misses even a little thing then we will be in problem.

Abhi; I know karan, I will arrange everything today.

Then Abhi broke the hug, then Tejasswi hugged him, so tight.

Teju: I will be there with u, if u had any problem just give me a sign, I will help u, okay?

Karan: okay my little girlfriend .

She broke the hug and look towards his lips, both locked their lips, Abhinavi and angel turned towards other side, after few minutes, they broke the kiss and they were breathing heavily .

Abhi: R u guys Done? Or still any work is pending?

Karan: no bhai everything is done.

Then Abhinavi turned towards them, and teasing smile was plastered on their face , they both were blushing like hell, then Abhinavi teased them, then they both left for their work, teju got ready and went to Riyaz house.

Then Abhinavi turned towards them, and teasing smile was plastered on their face , they both were blushing like hell, then Abhinavi teased them, then they both left for their work, teju got ready and went to Riyaz house

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Any idea abt their plan?

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