➜❥𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 51

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Guys please follow me my followers isn't increasing 😶‍🌫️💔 it's decreasing 😩❤️‍🩹 and nowadays I'm not keeping goals you guys isn't commenting /voting /following 🌝💔 I'm taking out my valuable time to update for you guys and you guys isn't appreciating it 🤡😬

Guys please follow me my followers isn't increasing 😶‍🌫️💔 it's decreasing 😩❤️‍🩹 and nowadays I'm not keeping goals you guys isn't commenting /voting /following 🌝💔 I'm taking out my valuable time to update for you guys and you guys isn't app...

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Teju: karan, pls...do... something...ahhh.

Karan: teju, pls take deep breathe.

Karan said and looked at riyaz father, and saw that his bodyguards were missing, he thought that someone came to save them.

Teju: Aahhhh..... Karannnn..!
I can't.......can't... mm....bear.... This pain.!

Ol: come on, she can't able to bear! Let's kill her first!

He said and went towards teju,..

Tanvir: hey old man, don't do any harm to my mom and my brother, or else I will kill u!

Ol: u, u...(he laughed at him).That's means wait, I will kill u r mom and u r baby brother, infront of u r eyes!

Tanya:no u can't old uncle!

Old uncle, pointed gun at teju's head ,he was about to shoot, before that someone came from behind and kept something on his nose and he fainted,

Tanya/Tanvir: chaachuuuu!

Karan: bhai pls remove this rope fast!

(Sm is non other than Abhi)

Abhi quickly removed those ropes from their hands, karan quickly went towards teju, and picked her up, he was going out, when vaish her baby came inside, Abhi took Tanya and Tanvir in arms,.

Abhi: Karan, we can't able to take her to hospital, it's 68 km away from London! And we can't able to reach there,

Karan: now what should we do!

Teju: Karan... Pls...do ....som...ething fasttt!

Sm: what's happening here!

Karan: riyaz, krupa! What r guys doing here?

Ri: it's our house, we came down by screaming sounds!

Kru: is she having labour pain! We can't able to take her to hospital, now what should we do!

Tanvir: dad, u take the baby out!

All looked at him ,as he was a Alien!

Krup: good idea!

Expect krup: what?

Krup: karan, u make her lay on bed, and cover her with duvet, vaish u sit beside her, and make her clam ,Abhi and riyaz u guys go out with kids, I will bring towel and hot water , juices and water, and I will call our family doctor, and I will inform her and I will ask her to come,untill she come, she will instruct us, we will do that!

All: okay!

And all done their work. Teju was laying on bed, beside her vaish is helping her, and doctor is on call with karan, Krupa went to get towels, juice and water, Abhi and Riyaz was outside the room with kids.

Doc: karan,I know u can't able to do this, but just calm her untill I come, I will be there in 15 minutes, just fill the bathtub with warm water, and remove her all clothes from her body, made her sit inside the bathtub, and u caress her bump softly.

Karan: That's it doctor?

Doc: Yes ,now hurry up!

Karan ended the call quickly, he first went to bathroom and done what doctor told, then he came outside and lift teju and he took her to bathroom, removed her upper clothes and he placed her in bathtub, he sat beside her,(outside the bathtub) and started to caress her bump,

After few minutes, doctor came, and karan took and kept her on bed, and covered her with duvet, and then doctor done their job. Doctor took out the baby,and smiled at karan, he also smiled back. Teju was panting heavily, Tanya and Tanvir was keeping their ears tightly pressed to the door, to hear it's a baby brother or baby sister,

Doc: congratulations it's a baby boy! Do you wanna take him to you chest ?

Teju nodded with tears then the doc placed the baby on her chest and she kissed the baby's head and Karan kissed baby's forehead.

Doc: okay now I will take him and I will give him a bath! Let Tejasswi take a rest!

Karan: okay doctor!

And the doctor went to give baby boy a bath .

Karan : baby congratulations I'm so proud of you . You did so good .
( And kissed her forehead and cheeks )

Karan: Tanya and Tanvir babies come inside.

Both came inside running like a express, and stood infront of karan. Both saw their mother still panting heavily.

Tanya/: mom, r u fine? U okay na?

Teju: ya,I am completely fine.

Tanya/Tanvir: so, it's a baby brother or baby sister?

Karan: it's a baby brother!

Tanvir Started to run around whole room while jumping, Tanya's face fall down!

Teju: now, I can't give one more baby!

Tanya: it's okay Mumma, I will play with my little brother only!

She said smiling at teju, and teju smiled back at her and side hugged her. Doctor placed the baby near teju.

Tanya and Tanvir was standing down, they were jumping to see baby brother!

Karan took them in his arms, and placed them on bed!

Tanvir: dad, mom he is too small ! How can I play with him!

Teju: yes, when u both born, u were like this!

Tanya: can I hold him plesh?

Teju: ya sure why not!

Tanya sat with crossed legs, teju sat straight, and lifted baby boy and placed on Tanya's lap! She kissed his forehead, Karan silently took their pic

Tanya sat with crossed legs, teju sat straight, and lifted baby boy and placed on Tanya's lap! She kissed his forehead, Karan silently took their pic

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