➜❥𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 27

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Teju: Wait! Wait!

Karan made a confused face,
She pulled a chair from the table, and sat on the chair infront of him,

Teju: even if they both know each other they will give a 1hr long speech, we both each other for more than 15 yrs, so don't take 15 hrs Karan!

Karan sighed, he stood and made her stand up, and he again sat infront of her,

Karan: The day I will be on knees for another girl, is the day I will tie shoe lace for our daughter! You know what I can't imagine growing old with anyone else, nor do I want to.I know you're the only one I want to share the rest of my life with And I promise to protect u like my daughter , love you like my lover and I will respect you like my mother!When I think of the future, I like to picture us as two trees planted side-by-side, our roots growing together more firmly as the years go by, and our children sprouting like seedlings around us ! So will you marry me? Will be my kids mumma?

Teju: yeeeeesssssss! Yessssssss!

She said and before he could slid ring in her hand, she stopped him, she took something from her bag, and kneeled down infront of him , then she showed her hand, he slid the ring, and then he showed his hand , she slid the ring, both stood up and hugged each other, then they intertwined their hands and walked all over the place, it Started raining, both danced under the rain, karan's hand on her waist and her around his neck, both face were close, their breathe started to mingle, their lips was moving forward, rain drops were running through their face, wind was blowing making them shiver a little, no one was there, just them under the rain drops, with their loved ones, finally their lips met, her hand went to his hair, his one hand on her waist and another hand behind the ear, eyes closed, lips attached, body pressed, rain drops running over their body, making them wet, after few minutes they broke the kiss, both are blushing.

Karan: I think we should go now.

Teju: but it's dark, and it's raining too, we can stay in nearby hotel,!

Karan : umm Okay!

Then both reached nearby hotel, and karan booked one room for both of them, he took keys and went to their room, both entered and Karan locked the door.

Teju: I don't have any clothes, what will I wear?

Karan: Then don't wear anything!
*he said while smirking*

Teju: you shameless jerk.

Karan: I am going to take bath, and I will put my clothes for drying. If u want u can join me you know I don't mind.

Teju: no, first u go, then I will!

Karan: Okay as you wish!

Then teju took bath and came out wearing bathrobe, karan was laying on bed, she laid on bed beside him, he switched on the TV, teju was watching TV, Karan slightly moved his hand towards bathrobe, and opened the knot, teju looked at him, he made puppy eyes, but she didn't melt, she again joined the knots and started to watch TV,

Sid: Laadddooo!!!

Teju didn't response him, he again opened knot, now Tejasswi didn't say anything, he slowly removed bathrobe by side, he attached his lips with her neck, and started kissing her, teju kept pushing him away, he tried to kiss her but he pushed him,

Karan: ladddooo!


Karan: U are only giving importance to movie, not for me,
* he said making grumpy face*

But teju didn't care at all,

He turned to other side, and hugged a pillow, ..

Karan: (in a sad tone): No one is there for me, I am alone, when the new things came, they will leave old one..
(Like seriously Karan 🥲😂😭 lol btw it's true most of the time)

Teju: okay, okay drama king stop you drama and come here!

Karan turned towards her and saw her half naked, he smiled and went towards her(🤦🤷) she opened her arms , he attached his lips to her nipple, his hand around her waist and her hand caressing her soft hairs, then after sometime both slept.

In morning,

They both woke up, and wore their dried clothes, and went back to their mansion, they both done morning chores and went down to make breakfast, when they were going to enter in kitchen, they heard door bell, karan opened the door and saw Abhinavi, Princess, he hugged both of them, then Tejasswi also came there and hugged them,

Abhi: Teju, we are so tired!

Vaish: yes Tejasswi, we still didn't have
breakfast too! My head is paining too!

Teju: Di, jiju, u guys go and get refresh, I will make breakfast, but there is no vegetables, wait there is Maggie, I will prepare it! Karan last time u didn't eat, now I will make for everyone!

Karan: WHAATTT!!! oh..no never please nooo!

Teju: What's wrong with you?

Karan: no nothing I am also coming with u !

Teju: you can come there, but you should only see, how I am cooking! Okay?

Karan: hmm okay Done!

Karan's pov.

I am not ready to die this soon,..

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