Chapter 2

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Darkness, anger and emptiness.

Those things made me. There was nothing else in me. When you came, it felt like someone had turned on the lights. I finally saw colors and knew the right way and the path to follow.

You brought out the best in me. Those things that I didn't even know existed. I didn't even know that I could love. But when you walked through that door it was like a small flame lit up in me that had been burned out many years ago. You lit it up. Everyday it burned brighter and stronger.

You were that fire. It was always you. You showed me the way. You showed me the better path and lit the way.

But like a candle. It doesn't burn forever. The flame gets smaller and smaller by every minute and slowly it burns out.

After the flame has died down the only thing that is left is darkness.

What am I going to do when the candle has burned out? There is no more light to guide me in the darkness. Without light I don't know where to go. I'm lost.

Now when you are gone I have lost myself as well. I'm back where I started. Everything is now darker than ever. Before I met you my life was just gray. Now the gray has turned into complete darkness.

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