Chapter 12

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After two days Felix and Alec arrived at Forks and met with the Cullens to talk about the searchings and other things relating to it.


"Welcome." Carlisle let Felix and Alec in the house. "Follow me to the living room where we can talk."

The three walked to the living room where Emmett and Jasper were already sitting and waiting.

"This is Emmett and this is Jasper. Juliana's biological brother." Carlisle introduced them to the two Volturi guards. "Please sit."

"Thank you." Alec thanked and the two sat down.

"We are sorry for your loss." Felix spoke.

"Thank you. It hasn't been easy for the Volturi's either. Caius truly loved Juliana." Carlisle answered.

"Yes. Caius has been-"

"You are guards right?" Jasper suddenly interrupted Felix.

"Yes." Felix answered.

"How many guards are there in the Volturi castle?"

"Four main guards and a few others."

"How is it that the guards of the Volturi castle don't do their job?" Jasper spat.

"Jasper, let's not start this." Carlisle told sternly.

"No, I want to ask." Jasper answered. "Should the guards protect the Kings and their mates?"

"Yes." Felix nodded.

"Then where were all the guards when it happened? I heard that the Kings were exposed to the danger as well. So why weren't there any guards in the throne room when it happened and when the killers came?"

"We erm-"

"So the killers just walked inside like they owned the place? Walked into the throne room and killed my sister, Lady Juliana, King Caius' mate."

"We haven't yet figured out how they got in." Alec tried to explain.

"So anyone can just walk in without anyone thinking about who they are or why they are there?"

"There weren't any guards in the hallway at that time."

"Not an excuse. There should always be at least one. It's basic knowledge."

"Should we talk about the search and why you are actually here?" Emmett spoke up before Jasper could continue.

"Yes." Carlisle and Felix said at the same time.

"So the vampires are heading to America. We don't know if they are already here or just arriving. Three males and one female." Felix started.

"So why are they coming here?" Emmett asked.

"To get away from Italy, from the crime scene. And there is a possibility that they own some sort of base here and they are going home after the job is done."

"We know almost all the vampires who live here in America." Carlisle spoke.

"Does Juliana have any enemies? Has she gained any in her lifetime?" Alec questioned.

"No." Jasper answered shortly.

"From the four, the female was the one who killed her. How about any females who didn't like her?"

"Still no." Jasper shook his head.

"How about you, Jasper or the rest of the family? Do any of you have any female enemies of some sort?"

"Only one who comes to my mind is Maria. But she isn't my enemy and she doesn't even know that Juliana exists. So it can't be her." Jasper explained. "Because why would you hurt anyone who hasn't done anything to you and who you don't even know exists?"

"Aiden." Carlisle said suddenly.

"Aiden? Who's Aiden?" Felix asked.

"Juliana's ex boyfriend. Jasper ripped his right arm off when we found out that he was abusing Juliana. He is powerful and dangerous. His power is to weaken your physical powers."

"That could be a possibility. It might be him. I mean he has a reason." Felix spoke.

"We told him to never come back and never touch Juliana again or he would be dead." Emmett said.

"We don't know if it is him. And that doesn't answer the question why did the female vampire kill her."

"Who is that woman? We need to figure that out. So we have two people who it might be."

"It isn't Maria. It can't be because why would she do it after all this time? She doesn't even know Juliana." Jasper shook his head.

"If you say so." Felix nodded. "Then this Aiden guy is first on our list to find and find out if it was him."

"How can we find him?" Alec then asked.

"We know where he lives. We just have to hope that he still lives there." Carlisle explained to the guards.

"And where does he live?"

"Eugene, Oregon." Emmet said. They were lucky that Aiden had once told them where he lives. It helps them now.

"We will leave in a few hours. It's a long way there. As soon as we find him the better." Felix said.

"We'll take mine and Emmett's cars." Carlisle said, stood up and went to inform the others that they will be gone for a few days or a bit more.

"Very well then. Let's go meet Aiden." Emmet grinned and stood up from the couch.


The only thing I can now think of is Jasper, Emmett, Carlisle, Felix and Alec having a little road trip. Sitting in the car with awkward silence😂.

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