Chapter 23

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"What is it Caius?" Demetri asked and closed the map book he was studying when Caius came into the room.

"It's Juliana." The blonde King explained.

"What about her?"

"I was in her tower and suddenly her whole body started to shake and vibrate as well as her loose body pieces. Then all the cracks were healed and her head and arms were attached back into her body."

Aro sighed, annoyed. "Brother she-" He started but Caius interrupted him before he could finish. Caius knew what Aro was going to say.

"All of her cracks healed and her body parts came back together. I saw it." Caius said again but now more sternly.

"Caius she is dea-." Aro started before getting interrupted once again but this time by Demetri.

"I'll come with you." Demetri spoke and walked beside Caius. "Show me."

"Do you really believe him?" Aro questioned. "He is blinded by sadness."

"I'm just going to go and see. No harm in that." Demetri shrugged and followed Caius who had already left the room.

"Are you sure you actually saw it?" Demetri questioned. "That it wasn't one of those mind tricks?"

"This was different. It wasn't a phantom. But this time it was the Juliana who was lying on the table. The real Juliana. Nothing like that has never happened before."

"Okay." Demetri nodded his head. "Show me."

Caius nodded and the two continued walking to Juliana's tower.

To Caius the stairs of the tower felt like forever. It felt like they would never get to the top.

But soon enough after a few minutes they were standing in front of the wooden door.

Caius opened the door and walked in.

His legs almost gave out under him when he saw her. There she stood. In front of the window, looking out of it.

Caius couldn't see her face but she was like a goddess. Her long honey blonde hair swayed slightly in the warm wind coming through the window and the skin of her neck, shoulders and arms sparkled under the sun.

"Amore mio?" He questioned. This couldn't be another mind trick. It couldn't.

Slowly she turned around and looked at the two men standing at the door.

There she was. His Juliana. The one and only, looking as gorgeous as the day he lost her and everyday in between.

Then her eyes landed on Caius.

"Aiden?" She whispered, her eyes widening. She fell on the hard stone floor.

Caius ran to her to see if she was okay. Aiden? Why did she say that leeches name? When he got on the other side of the table, she was sitting in the corner. Her legs pulled against her chest, her back against the wall, her eyes wide and full of pure terror.

On every step that he took forward she just tried to get further away from him but the corner of the room was stopping her.

"Darling it's me." Caius smiled and got on her level on the floor.

"Where is Caius and what have you done to him?" She shouted. Then quickly stood up and ran to Demetri and hid behind him. "Don't let him hurt me." She whispered to him.

"Why would you think that he would hurt you?" Demetri questioned, not understanding what was happening.

"He has done it so many times before. Why wouldn't he do it now?" She whispered and her voice cracked at the end.

"Is that true?" Demetri asked, turning his head to look at Caius.

"I would never hurt her. I couldn't, I love her more than anything. You know it." Caius tried to explain. He would never hurt her. Never.

"He always says that. But then always at the end he does it again." Juliana said and took a hold of Demetri's bicep. "How did he find me?" She whispered almost inaudibly.

"Find you? What do you mean?" Demetri questioned.

"I don't remember if I have ever told you about him. Aiden. He's my ex boyfriend who abused me and tried to burn me. How is he here?"

"Juliana. Aiden is not here." Demetri shook his head.

Her eyes widened as if she just remembered something and she looked up at Demetri. "Where's Caius?"

"I'm here darling." Caius whispered sadly and took a step closer to her.

"Stay away!" She shouted at him. "Where. Is. He?" She asked again.

"I don't know what to say Juliana. It seems like it doesn't matter what I tell or say to you." Demetri spoke. "You wouldn't believe me if I said that he is right there."


Caius had gotten her back. But when one thing gets good again it seems that three others fall bad.

When are they able to start their forever? Can they never catch a break and just be happy together?

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