Chapter 46

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**Sexual themes**

A few days had gone by since Juliana and Caius learned about the fighting and restlessness. Nothing new has come up so life continued normally. If normal meant Caius and Juliana not being able to keep their hands to themselves.


Caius had Juliana pinned against the stone wall of their room. His knee between her legs keeping them open, his left hand keeping Juliana's arms above her head and his right hand resting on her waist.

Their lips tightly against each other while they moved in sync.

"You need to go..." Juliana muttered against his lips.

"Not yet." Caius grunted and slipped his tongue in her mouth.

Juliana gasped but kissed him back. "Aro and Marcus wanted to talk to you in the throne room. Why so early in the morning?"

Caius stopped kissing her and let her stand on her own feet on the floor. He kissed her shoulders and arms after holding them up so harshly.

"Caius? Why this early?" Juliana asked again.

"Because the throne room is booked for tonight." Caius answered.

His answer made Juliana furrow her eyebrows. "Booked?"

"Yes." Caius nodded and looked in her eyes. "It's booked for four hours tonight. It might take longer or less time, I don't know. But yes, it's booked."

"The throne room is never "booked". What is going to happen tonight?"

"Not even Aro or Marcus knows the exact reason." Caius explained.

"Well that's just weird. Who booked it?"

"I did." Caius smiled.

Juliana's red eyes widened. "And why on earth did you book the throne room for four hours?" Juliana let out a small laugh. "Is it even a thing? Booking some rooms of this castle?"

"It is now."

"Okay? What are you going to do in the throne room for four hours?"

Caius didn't answer but placed a kiss on Juliana's cheek. "You'll see."

"So secretive." Juliana pouted, making Caius chuckle.

"It will be worth the wait. I'm sure of that." Caius smiled and placed his hands on her hips.

"I'll walk with you to the throne room. I was thinking of going to the garden for a bit." Juliana explained and Caius nodded. "It's supposed to start raining this evening so better take a walk when it's still good weather outside."

"You don't like the rain?" Caius raised his eyebrow. He continued to keep his hands on her hips and drew small circles on her skin through her dress with his fingertips.

"Oh I do." Juliana nodded her head. "I mean I lived in Forks. I love that kind of gloomy, cloudy, rainy weather. Now when we're talking about rain; can we someday dance in the rain?"

"Dance in the rain?" Caius asked with a small questioning smile.

"Yes." Juliana nodded. "Jasper and I used to do that when it rained. So a lot." Juliana let out a small chuckle. "And I would like to experience it with you too."

"If my Queen wants to dance in the rain, we will do exactly that." Caius nodded. "I would really like that sweetheart."

Juliana smiled widely and jumped up wrapping her arms around Caius' neck. Caius catched her and supported her weight by holding her under her thighs. He walked up to their bed and carefully dropped her on the mattress.

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