Chapter 32

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A new chapter for the honor of my 20th birthday :). I hope you enjoy.


When the days had turned into weeks and Juliana still hadn't seen Caius she started to get angry.

She, Demetri and "Aiden" have talked in the library five times already but have made little to no progress.

"I want Caius! Where is he?" Juliana cried out and if she could cry she would be crying her eyes out right now. Her eyes were red as if she had been crying for hours but no tears could fall out.

"Why don't you want to bring him to me? He is here! You have told me that! You said that if I talked to Aiden I could see Caius again."

"Juliana, it's not that simple." Demetri looked at her sadly.

"It is simple! Just tell him to come to me or tell me where he is."

"Juliana, you need to calm down." Sulpicia spoke gently.

Both Demetri and Sulpicia had spent a lot of time in her room lately trying to calm her down.

"I'll calm down when Caius is right here next to me!"

'I'm here darling. I'm here. If you could just see it.' Caius taught in his mind while standing behind the closed door of her room. He was listening her, Demetri's and Sulpicia's conversation, wanting nothing more than to just walk in and hug her. But he knew he couldn't.

Caius heard someone coming towards the door so he quickly walked away.

Demetri walked out of the room letting Juliana and Sulpicia be alone for a while.

The guard sighed and walked down the hall and to the throne room. He opened the doors and saw the Kings sitting on their thrones.

"Ah Demetri." Aro put his hands together and smiled when he walked in the room closing the door behind him.

"How is Juliana?" Marcus spoke up and asked.

"Upset. Very upset. She just can't understand why she isn't able to see Caius." Demetri explained and glanced at the blonde King.

"All we can do is just to continue talking to her." Caius said.

"I have seen progress in her actions towards you, Caius. Or in her place Aiden. She doesn't get as overwhelmed as at the first time." Demetri said.

"But she still doesn't like it?" Aro asked.

"Obviously." Caius rolled his eyes and stood up from his throne.

"Like Carlisle said this might be a long progress. We just need to be patient." Demetri spoke.

"I'm concerned." Marcus spoke up, making everyone look at him.

"Why brother?" Aro questioned.

"I'm afraid that Juliana will drain herself emotionally. She's now upset, sad and angry. No one has the energy to stay sad and angry forever."

"What happens when she stops?" Demetri asked.

"I'm afraid that if too much time goes by and she starts to feel hopeless because nothing happens and the light of her life has been 'taken away' from her she will become apathetic. Like me."

Caius' head snapped up and he looked at Marcus.

"She will shut down all of her emotions and there's no coming back. She will stop trying."

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