Chapter 29

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"I have heard of this before." Carlisle said and looked through the book.

Everyone waited in silence for him to find what he was looking for.

"Here." Carlisle stopped flipping through the pages and pointed at the title on the top of the first page on the left.

"Memory lost after trauma." Esme read the title out loud.

"The trauma of being killed?" Alice asked.

"No." Carlisle shook his head. "Her past trauma."

"Does the book tell us what we need to do?" Demetri asked.

Carlisle started to read through the pages. After a few minutes he spoke again."

"The only way to get her back to normal is for her to cope with her trauma in the right way, which she didn't do when it was topical."

"Her past abusive relationship with Aiden." Caius spoke up.

"It's like she had been given a second chance to deal with her trauma in the right way."

"And if she can't do it?"

"She will stay like this. And think that Caius is Aiden."

"So what do we have to do?" Caius asked, ready to do anything to get his mate and fiancée to normal again.

"Caius, you need to get close to her and somehow get her to talk about her past experiences in her relationship with Aiden." Carlisle explained to the King.

"How do you think I will get her to talk about her past abusive relationship when she thinks Aiden wants to talk about it with her?"

"I don't know." Carlisle spoke quietly. "But we need to try. You need to try it."

"And what if she won't talk about it?" Demetri questioned.

"Then we need to figure out another way. I will start and search for more information about this. Tell me everything. How she takes it, if she talks and if she doesn't."

"And we'll call you immediately if we find out something new." Esme said.

"Thank you." Demetri said. "We will go and start this immediately."

"Good. Don't try to force her. Take small steps at the time. Today's step could be to get her in the same room as Caius."

"We will do that." Caius answered.

"We'll call you tomorrow and tell you how it went."

"Good. Let's talk more then. Bye."

"Bye." Demetri said and ended the call.

Caius leaned his head against the headrest of the armchair and closed his eyes. How is he going to do this?

"What's in your mind?" Demetri asked him.

"Wondering how we are going to do this. She's seeing her abuser. Of course she doesn't want to speak with him. And now suddenly she would have to."

"I can't even imagine how hard this is for you. First seeing her getting killed and now she doesn't recognise you and even thinks that you are her ex boyfriend." Demetri spoke sadly.

"It is hard. But I'm going to do everything I can to get her back."

"And I will help you. First I was just her personal guard but as time has gone by we have become good friends as well."

"I'm sure no one else is willing to help."

"Sulpicia will. Obviously I haven't asked her but I just know she will. Juliana is like a sister to her."

"I need all the help I can get. I can't do this alone, that's for sure." Caius nodded.

Demetri was a bit surprised to hear King Caius ask help but at the same time he was happy he did.

"How about I go and get her and we will meet again here in the library? I will be there with you guys. She might feel more comfortable like that and if we at some point start to make good progress you can start to be alone with her when she's more comfortable."

Caius nodded, feeling sad that she would feel uncomfortable around him but at the same time he understood that she couldn't help it. Obviously she would want to recognise him if she just could.

The blonde King was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt Demetri place his hand on his shoulder.

"It's going to be okay. We will do everything we can to help her and get her back." Demetri reassured.

Caius nodded. "You go and get her and bring her here. I will wait for you."

"I'll see you in a bit."

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