Chapter 18

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Caius walked further in the room and looked around him.

The usually dark red curtains that were usually hanging on each side of the huge windows in the room were now changed into black ones and pulled in front of the windows letting just a tiny bit of light come through. And when the ballroom usually was one of the brightest rooms in the whole castle it was now dark and gloomy.

Caius turned to look at all the people around him.

Everyone had pitiful expressions on their faces while looking at the blonde King.

"We are sorry for your loss." One older male vampire said to him.

The huge crowd of vampires parted on each side of the room giving a path for Caius to walk to the front.

There was Aro. Standing at the front.

"Why are there so many people here?" Caius asked him when he walked up to Aro.

"They have all come here to mourn for the loss of Lady Juliana." Aro explained.

"What?" Caius furrowed his eyebrows.

"They have come to Juliana's funeral. We just waited for you to appear."

'Funeral? What the hell is he talking about?' Caius taught in his head. 'There is no funeral like I have already said.'

"It's time to let go and say goodbye."

"What the hell are you talking about? No one is saying goodbye to anyone!" Caius spoke angrily.

"Well the funeral is already planned and the people are here."

"None of these people even know her." Caius pointed at the crowd. "None of them have ever even met her."

"Juliana died almost two months ago, my brother. It's time to have a funeral." Aro spoke calmly.

"I have already told you I don't want a funeral but you still fucking did it." Caius spat. "None of these people have any reason to be here. They don't know her."

"You should be grateful that so many people have come here today to take part in the funeral."

"Grateful?" Caius furrowed his eyebrows. "Why would I be grateful for some random people coming here and acting like they care? Like they care about me or Juliana. I didn't want this."

Aro was going to speak but Caius interrupted him before he could.

"And even if I did want to organize her funeral, in that funeral there would be no one else but us and her family from Forks. People who actually know her, care about her and love her."

"Why do you think these people don't care?" Aro questioned.

"Like I already said many times. They just wanted to come to the Volturi castle and take part in an important event and then later brag to their friends how they got invited to the Volturi castle."

Obviously Caius knew that everyone of the "guests" in the room could hear them talk. They were all vampires, obviously they could hear. He just didn't care. They should hear.

"I despise you." Caius spat looking Aro deep in his eyes before he turned around to face the crowd. "You can all leave! There's no funeral happening!" Caius yelled and stormed out of the ballroom with the doors shutting close behind him with a loud bang.

Caius quickly ran to Juliana's tower using his vampire speed.

"If he or anyone has touched her I swear to god..." He growled.

Caius opened the door and sighed in relief when he saw her still on that table and untouched.

He sat on the wooden chair next to her and just sat there. He didn't say anything or do anything but just sat in silence.

Caius had sat there for a few minutes before suddenly he saw something from the corner of his eye. Caius turned to look in the corner of the room three meters away from him and Juliana.

"You did right." She smiled at him gently.

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