Chapter 42

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Hi! I had a small writing break when celebrating Christmas but now I'm back :).


(Juliana's POV)

The whole night we stayed in bed in each other's arms. We watched through the glass door of our balcony how the sun set and made the sky a deep shade of orange and pink.

We cuddled, talked a bit but mostly stayed quiet. If I needed to do something. Anything. Caius did it for me. He didn't want me to strain myself.

Caius sat behind me and gently and carefully brushed my long hair with my hairbrush. He ran his fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp. A thing we always did to each other when we did each other's hair.

He whispered sweet things to me, telling me how much he loved me. And I said those things back to him.

Caius took off my black ballet flats and set them on the floor at the end of our bed. He asked about three times if I was really comfortable in what I was wearing or did I want to change my clothes.

I assured him that I was completely fine and comfortable.

I was completely able to do all these things by myself without any trouble but I didn't mind him wanting to do them for me. He enjoyed it, so why not?

We laid on the bed cuddled against each other. Our hands intervened. I looked at the gold band around his ring finger and then looked at my ring in mine. I smiled at the thought of Caius; my mate and my fiance. Someday I would be able to marry him and then call him my husband.

"What are you smiling about?" Caius asked with a small smile on his face. He kissed the top of my head.

"I'm smiling at the thought of you." I answered. "You being my fiance. And someday I'm going to be able to call you my husband."

Caius hummed. "My wife." He spoke. "Sounds perfect." He smiled.

"It really does." I agreed. "But let's not take any stress over the wedding planning. We will plan when we have time and want to do that. There's no pressure. Like we talked before I was killed; we have our forever."

Caius didn't say anything but just smiled and nodded. After I was done talking he wrapped his strong arms around my body and pulled me even more against him if it was even possible.

"I love you Juliana." Caius muttered, his face buried in my hair.

"I love you too Caius. So so much." I said back and kissed his jawline.

"Can I ask you something?" Caius asked.

"Of course."

"When you were pulled into the vision before you recognized me again. What was the vision about?"

"I saw our time together. From the moment I first saw you, to the day I died. And in between; our first kiss, our first time together, all the times we spend time together and when you proposed to me in the garden." I explained.

"Then you woke up."

"And then I woke up." I nodded. "It was like a wonderful dream. But when I 'woke up' the dream didn't end. But it continued. A new chapter started. I saw you again."

Caius smiled at Juliana's words and the way she explained everything to him.

"I absolutely adore you my darling." Caius spoke and stood up into a sitting position on the bed. He then crawled on top of me, caging me against the bed with both of his hands on each side of my head.

I smiled up at him. "What are you going to do?"

"Well, my love. First I'm going to kiss your forehead." Caius placed a kiss there. "Then the tip of your nose." *kiss* "Your cheek." *kiss* "Other cheek." *kiss* "Your jaw." He whispered. *kiss* "Then your lips." He placed a final deep kiss on my lips.

I kissed him back. Our lips moved against each other. I hooked my right leg around his waist and tried to pull his body more against mine but he didn't move.

"No angel." Caius muttered against my lips. "This is all we're going to do."

I huffed and pouted. "Such a tease."

Caius chuckled and touched my nose with his. "I'm sorry darling. I just don't want to hurt you."

"You won't." I said but Caius gave me a look that made me understand that no meant no in this situation.


Aro and Marcus were sitting in the throne room. Marcus was reading a book and Sulpicia sat with Aro.

It was incredibly rare to see Aro and Sulpicia spending time together when someone else was around but Sulpicia had wanted this so who was Aro to say no to her?

Suddenly Demetri bursted in the room, making all three of them snap their heads up to look at the guard.

Demetri had a smile on his face.

"What is it Demetri?" Marcus asked calmly.

"Juliana and Caius were talking in the library, Juliana asked if I could give them a little privacy. I did so I left the room. I went back just a minute ago after leaving them alone for an hour and now they are nowhere to be seen."

"Do you think?" Sulpicia's eyes widened.

"I do." Demetri nodded. "I think they are together somewhere."

"Is Juliana back?" Sulpicia smiled excitedly. "Did Caius get her to recognise him?"

"I really do hope so. Because the other times Juliana didn't want to be alone with him. But now they have been alone for an hour."

"Let's not disturb them or try to find them. They need to be alone." Marcus spoke up. "Tomorrow is feeding day. If they come there together like they have done before; she's back."

Sulpicia squealed excitedly and clapped her hands together. "I can't wait."

My forever || Caius Volturi   Where stories live. Discover now