Chapter 39

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"Ah Juliana. Welcome back!" Demetri smiled and hugged her, making her smile and hug him back.

Juliana had just arrived from the airport and left her bags in her room and when she walked through the halls Demetri walked up to her.

"It's good to be back. I have a good feeling." She smiled widely.

"I can see you are a lot happier since you left." Demetri nodded.

"I don't know why but I feel like something big is coming. Something good." Juliana explained. "I can't quite explain it."

"Have you seen a vision of it?"

Juliana shook her head. "No. I haven't had visions since before I died. Not a single one."

"Do you think it could have something to do with the memory loss? Maybe your mind and body did not only lock out Caius. Maybe it locked your gift as well."

"That's actually a really good theory." Juliana nodded her head in agreement. "So if that was the case I would start seeing visions again when I can see Caius again and everything's back to normal?"

"Possibly." Demetri nodded. "I just came back from the library and Aiden told me that he wants to talk with you." Demetri explained. "Just shortly. Would you be up for it?"

Juliana nodded. "I understand things better now. I feel like this kind of fog is starting to clear up in my head. Ever so slightly. And Carlisle said that Aiden and I need to talk to make things better. So maybe it will help."

A small smile formed on Demetri's face while he listened to Juliana talking. He felt happy, proud and excited to maybe soon have his friend back as she is.

"Then shall we go? He's probably already waiting."

"We shall." Juliana nodded and started to walk beside Demetri towards the library.

Demetri opened the large wooden door for her and Juliana walked in the room. She looked around and she saw Aiden sitting on an armchair next to a table clearly waiting for them to arrive.

Caius turned his head towards the sound of the library door opening. Juliana and Demetri. Juliana was home, he smiled. It took everything for him not to stand up and run to hug her but he stopped himself from doing that since he knew he would scare her if he did so.

The two walked up to him and sat on the other two armchairs on the other side of the table.

"Hello Aiden." Juliana spoke.

"Hello Juliana. Welcome back home."

"Thank you." She nodded.

"I wanted to talk with you shortly. Thank you for agreeing to come although I know you probably want to relax in your room after the long flight. Now can I ask you something?"

"You can."

"You found a diary from your room, didn't you? Before you left."

"Yes." Juliana nodded.

"Have you read it all?" Caius asked.

Juliana shook her head. "Most of it. But I still have a few dates to read."

"Can you read them now?" He asked and pulled the brown diary from his pocket and placed it on the table in front of them all.

Juliana took the diary in her hands and brushed her fingertips over the leather covers. How did Aiden know of this diary? Caius' diary.

"You don't have to read it out loud."

Juliana nodded and started to read the two last dates silently.

'Why is life so cruel? I got you back today. But my heart was broken once again the moment you looked at me. You don't recognize me. The fear in your eyes when you looked at me. That's the emotion I never want to see on your face when you look at me.'

Another date.

'I have stayed away from you just not to freak you out. You think I'm Aiden. That pathetic abusive ex boyfriend of yours. I don't know why you think like that but maybe we can find something out and make things better again. At least Carlisle said something along those lines. Time after time my heart breaks more and more. But I won't lose hope. I will never give up on you my darling. You will get better and we will be together again.'

Juliana closed the diary and placed it back on the table.

"Can we have a moment... alone?" Juliana asked. Demetri nodded and left the room.

Demetri had a small smile on his face when he left. Juliana hasn't wanted to be left alone with "Aiden" before, so she was making huge progress. Maybe this would work after all. He didn't know what Caius was doing but clearly it did something. It was working.

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