Chapter 34

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(Juliana's POV)

The sun rose while Sulpicia and I talked. We talked for hours. We talked for so long that the clock said eleven o'clock so there was only two hours to the feeding.

"Can I pick out a dress for you for the feeding?" Sulpicia asked me, smiling excitedly.

"Sure." I shrugged.

Sulpicia walked up to my closet and started to look through it. I followed behind her.

"So we need something practical but beautiful that doesn't matter if you get some blood on it." She muttered while skipping through the dresses.

"How about this?" She took one dress out of its hanger.

The dress was made of black silk and the hem reached to my ankles. It had a scallop neckline and bishop sleeves.

"Looks good. It's beautiful." I smiled and took the dress in my hands.

"I'm sorry that some of these dresses are a bit... well ugly." She said while looking at the dresses. "But what can you expect when a group of men who were born 1200 years before Christ are left to decide the insides of a women's closet?"

I chuckled. "Yes, some of these are really old fashioned. But it's fine. There are many really beautiful dresses too."

"Okay so put this on and I will see you in the throne room in two hours." Sulpicia gave me a quick hug before leaving the room.

I placed the dress on top of my bed. I was going to take a bath but then decided to take it after the feeding. There was no good reason to take the bath now only to possibly get blood over you in a few hours.

I walked up to the small wooden writing table deciding to tidy it up a little bit. There were books and papers all over it.

I picked up the books and placed them back to their right places in the bookshelf before putting all of Caius' papers in one pile.

I was almost done when I saw the last two books on the table. I took the books in my hand and then realized that the other one wasn't a book but a some kind of notebook or diary.

I placed the brown notebook back on the table and looked at the book.

Brown covers, a red rose on the cover and words 'Beauty and the Beast' written with golden letters. My copy of it.

Has Caius been reading this?

I opened the book and sat down to read it. It has been a while since the last time I read it.

'Once upon a time...'

And so I was pulled into the fantasy world of the book.

It took me an hour and a half to finish the book. So when I closed the book I had to start getting ready.

While I was putting on the black silk dress I thought about the story more. It was quite interesting how similar the story was to mine and Caius' story. I had never thought about it before.

I glanced at the notebook still sitting on the small table. I have to see what it's about later.

I left my room and walked to the throne room. I was going to ask Aro after feeding if I could go to Forks. I just have to hope that I can.

"Ah Juliana." Aro smiled at me when I stepped in the room. "Thank you for joining us."

I nodded, gave him a small smile and went to stand next to Sulpicia.

In a minute Heidi walked in the room with ten tourists behind her. The heavy wooden doors closed behind the group.

"Ah, welcome my friends." Aro stood up from his throne smiling. "Believe me when I tell you that this tour around the castle is to die for."

And so we attacked.

After an hour we were all done feeding ourselves. I approached Aro who was now talking to Sulpicia.

"Aro?" I asked.

"Yes." He turned to face me.

"I was wondering if I could go and see my brother in Forks."

"How long were you planning on staying?" He asked.

"A week would be amazing but even a couple of days is great. But then again there is nothing you or anyone else needs me for so I don't know why I couldn't."

"You can go." Aro nodded his head. "A week is good. I will arrange everything; plane tickets and flight."

I was trying to stay as calm as possible but I couldn't help the huge smile form on my face and eyes light up in happiness.

"Thank you, thank you Aro!" I smiled excitedly.

"You're welcome Juliana. When would you like to leave?"

"As soon as possible."

"I will arrange a flight for you for tomorrow morning and you should be arriving tomorrow evening."

"Sounds good. Thank you again." I smiled and left the room.

I ran to my room and started to pack. Clothes, shoes, a book to read, the notebook that was on the table and a few other things. After I was done packing I called home to tell them the news. The call connected and soon enough Alice answered.

"I saw it!" Alice squealed excitedly while clapping her hands together.

"What did you see?" Jasper appeared next to Alice.

"Aro accepted her request. Juliana is coming home!" Alice answered and kissed her husband's cheek.

"How long are you staying?" Jasper asked me.

"A week. I can't wait." I said, making the two smile.

"She's arriving tomorrow evening. One of us will come and pick you up from the airport." Alice said.

"I'll come." Jasper offered.

"You can't Jasper. You have things to do here." Alice spoke gently.

"I do?" Jasper furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yes. So someone else will come and get you. You two will see each other when Juliana gets here." Alice explained sweetly.

"I can't wait to see you all."

"We will see tomorrow. I'm afraid that we need to end the call now. We have a lot of things to do."

"Bye." I waved at the camera and Alice and Jasper did the same. "See you soon."

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