Chapter 43

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**Sexual themes**

Juliana just came out of the bathroom after taking a shower.

She had owned these last four days after she had recognised Caius again to take care of herself. At the insistence of Caius.

Caius couldn't help but glance at her gorgeous naked body when she took off her towel to put on clothes. All the curves, dips, and small marks on her silky marble like body. Her perfect breasts...

Caius' eyes widened when he felt himself getting hard in his rather tight pants.

'No, not now.' He cursed in his head.

"I'm going to take a shower." He said quickly and walked quickly into the bathroom before Juliana could even answer him.

Caius shut the bathroom door behind him and cursed in his mind after looking down at his pants. Already visible bulge clear in his black dress pants. He took his shirt and pants off before walking in the shower. He turned the water on hoping that it could help. Soon he realized that the shower wasn't going to help him because of all the images of Juliana running through his mind.

Her perfect breasts, the small droplets of water running down her naked body, her silky long hair damp from the shower and falling teasingly over her breasts, her plump lips parted ever so slightly while she was putting on her black lace bra.

"Fuck..." Caius groaned. He had no other choice.

He gave his cock a few strokes, closing his eyes in pleasure. Image of Juliana on her knees in front of him. Her hand wrapped around him while she looked at him through her dark lashes.

Caius leaned his left hand against the stone wall of the shower and wrapped his right hand around his already painfully hard cock. He started to thrust his cock in his hand while imagining that it was Juliana's mouth or her pussy while he was fucking her from behind. He could feel that it wouldn't take him long to cum.

Caius and Juliana haven't had sex in over four months. First because of her death, then because she didn't recognize him and now he didn't want to bother her because she could still feel weak.

"Ah fuck..." Caius groaned lowly while continuing thrusting his hips in his fist."Good fucking girl." He spoke the praises out loud that were running through his head.

And with the last image of Juliana cumming and her pretty moans, Caius came as well.

Caius took a quick shower and wrapped a white towel around his waist before walking out of the bathroom. He walked straight past Juliana and up to his closet. He took out new clothes and changed into them.

"Caius." Juliana spoke.

"Yes?" Caius turned to face her. She was sitting at the end of the bed and looking at him.

"Did you just do what I think you did? In the shower." Juliana asked, giving him a knowing look.

"I don't know what you're talking about darling." Caius tried to act like nothing had happened. But deep inside him he knew he had been caught.

Juliana stood up and walked up to him. She stopped right in front of him and looked up into his eyes.

"Why did you try to hide it?" She asked gently.

"I didn't want to bother you. You might still feel a bit weak and-"

Juliana interrupted him. "Caius. You know very well I'm not weak anymore. Haven't been in days. I was completely fine the very next day I recognised you again."

"I know my love." Caius nodded his head. "I just didn't want to bother you."

"You won't. While you were without sex almost five months; so was I." Juliana chuckled slightly. "We are allowed to have sex."

Caius reached his hands towards her hips but then pulled his hands back. Juliana saw this and took a hold of both of his wrists and placed his hands on her hips.

"You can touch me Caius."

"Yes but-"

"I want you to touch me. I want you to hug me, kiss me, cuddle me, hold me, brush your fingertips over my skin. Like before my death. I don't want you to not show your love."

Caius let out a small sigh. He rubbed the skin of her hips through her clothes. How good it felt to touch her again. "I love your skin, I love your body, I love your face, I love your soul and I love you." He muttered while rubbing her hips.

"And I love you. Like you do, I as well love every part of you." Juliana answered with a small smile on her face. "Let's take these things slowly. Let's not push it. Someday at some point when we feel like it... I want to have you again."

Caius smiled and kissed her forehead. "Yes. We'll do that."

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