Chapter 38

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"Are you ready?" Jasper asked Juliana while he was opening the laptop.

"Yeah." Juliana nodded. "I feel okay."

"I can feel some nerves in you but that's okay." Jasper smiled. "I'm here. And Carlisle is coming in a minute."

Juliana nodded and waited while Jasper connected the call to Demetri who was waiting in the other end back in Volterra. The screen went black before it connected and Demetri appeared on the screen.

"Good evening Juliana. Good evening Jasper." Demetri gave them a small smile.

"Good evening." Jasper and Juliana answered at the same time.

Caius then sat beside Demetri. When he saw Juliana through the screen a smile formed on his lips but it quickly disappeared when he could tell by the way she was looking at him that she still didn't recognise him. He was still Aiden for her.

"Carlisle should be here very soon." Juliana spoke up.

"That's okay, we'll wait."

"Hello Demetri. I'm sorry I'm late." Carlisle gave the guard a small smile when he came to stand behind Jasper and Juliana.

"You're forgiven." Demetri gave him a joking smile. "So should we start? I'm afraid that we need to keep this call short since Aro wants to see me soon to discuss some matters."

"Yes." Carlisle agreed. "I understand."

"So what is our plan? How do we continue?" Demetri asked.

"Juliana and Aiden need to talk more about... deeper things. Not just how the weather is. Dig deeper and open up to each other. You both need to listen to each other." Carlisle explained.

"So can I ask something because it's still quite confusing and weird to me?" Juliana spoke up.

"Of course. Anything to make you understand better."

"So Jasper and Carlisle. When you look at this screen you both see Caius sitting beside Demetri. While I see Aiden."

"That's right." Carlisle nodded. "It's because your brain and memory has changed in a way that can not quite be explained thoroughly by medical terms. This is something so new and rare that we don't know much about it. But we're trying to find ways to make things right again."

"So it's not actually Aiden although I see him."


Juliana nodded although it was still hard for her to believe.

"So what do you say Carlisle? What are we going to do next?" Demetri asked.

"So I'd say that Juliana continues talking and being in the same room as 'Aiden'. I believe that with that we are going to get the results we hope for."

"And by results you mean that I would see Caius again?" Juliana asked.

"Exactly." Carlisle nodded with a gentle smile.

"Sounds good. Juliana has become very important to me as well so it's important we get her back to herself as soon as possible." Demetri smiled.

"Of course. I think we are done here." Carlisle spoke. "Thank you for having this conversation with us."

"Of course. This is important." Demetri nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow Juliana." Demetri smiled and ended the call.

"I can't believe the time here has gone by so fast. It's like it was only yesterday I came here. And now I'm leaving again." Juliana spoke.

"But this time these goodbyes aren't so long." Jasper smiled and wrapped his arm around Juliana's shoulders while she wrapped her arm around his waist.

"Yes. We will call every week like we used to." Juliana smiled back at her brother.

"And I want to hear all about how your talking with Aiden has gone." Carlisle said.


And the time came when Juliana needed to leave for the airport.

"I'll call you immediately when I'm back in Volterra." Juliana smiled while hugging everyone for goodbye.

The Cullens were standing outside of the Cullen house wanting to be there to see Juliana off.

"Take care of yourself." Esme smiled.

"I will." Juliana nodded with a smile.

"Say hello to Caius when you see him." Carlisle smiled while wrapping his arm around Esme's waist.

Juliana hugged Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, Bella, Edward and Renesmee before turning to look at Jasper.

Juliana walked up to him and Jasper pulled her into his arms.

"I love you Juliana." Jasper muttered his face buried in her hair while they hugged.

"And I love you too, Jazz. So much. I'll call when I have arrived back at the castle. Okay?"

"Okay." Jasper nodded.

"Bye everyone." Juliana waved at them all before getting in the taxi. She waved out of the window for the last time before the taxi drove off.

'Here I go. Going back to my second home. Caius, I'll see you soon. I can feel it.'


This was more of a filler chapter. Big things are starting to happen😉.

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