Chapter 6

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Demedri had arrived in Forks after a long flight. Now he stood outside of the Cullens house thinking of what he would say to them. How would he explain it? How do you explain that their family member is dead? He knew that they would hear him from inside so he took an unneeded breath in before knocking on the door. Carlisle came to open it for him.

"Demetri. What a nice surprise. Come in." Carlisle smiled and closed the door behind them. "We can go into a living room. All of my family isn't home, apologies for that." Demetri didn't answer, he just nodded and followed Carlisle to the living room upstairs.

"Hello Mrs. Cullen, Emmett, Rosalie." Demetri greeted them sitting in the living room.

"Hello Demetri. Welcome." Esme smiled at the man.

"What have we done right to have the pleasure of having you here?" Carlisle questioned while sitting next to his wife on the couch.

"Something terrible has happened." Demetri started.

"Oh no. What is it?" Esme asked while taking his husband's hand in hers.

"Has something come up with the wedding?" Rosalie questioned beside Emmett.

Demetri didn't know what to say so he just went for it and started explaining. "Month ago. Ten in the evening, a group of unknown vampires broke into the castle. Before anyone could react they took a hold of the Kings and then one of them grabbed Juliana. And in that fight... Juliana lost her life."

No one said anything so Demetri continued.

"It's possible that they killed Juliana because they knew it would hurt Caius more than the death itself. We are looking for those vampires right now as well as finding out why they did it. Caius isn't going to stop until we find them. I'm so sorry that no one told you earlier."

"W-was she burned?" Esme asked, her voice shaking.

"No. Her... her head was ripped off, as well as her arms. They were going to burn her, but they did not have time."

Carlisle pulled Esme in his arms and comforted her. Emmett doing the same to Rosalie.

"I don't know what to do or say. All I know is that there are many vampires for different covens looking for them right at this moment. We are going to find them. Caius isn't going to stop. You can be sure of it."

"Thank you Demetri." Carlisle answered, giving him a small pained smile.

The five sat in the living room silently, taking in the news and wondering; what next?

An hour they sat there before they were snapped out of their thoughts by the front door opening downstairs.


Edward and Bella walked inside the house with Renesmee. They could feel the tension in the house right when they stepped inside. Edward was carrying a backpack on his left hand when he read everyone's mind. His eyes widened and he dropped the bag on the ground.

"What is it Edward?" Bella asked, concerned. He didn't answer but walked in the living room where he saw the family sitting on the couches and Demetri on the other side of the room sitting on an armchair.

Esme was being held by Carlisle and same with Rosalie in Emmett's arms.

"It's not true." Edward whispered. Bella and Renesmee walked beside him and also looked at the rest of the family.

"Auntie Rose." Renesmee called when her eyes landed on the blonde vampire. "What's wrong? Don't be sad." She whispered and walked up to her and Emmett and hugged the both of them.

"Bella. Call Jacob and ask if Renesmee could stay the night at Emily's with him. It's really important." Carlisle spoke while holding Esme even tighter in his arms. Bella nodded and walked in the other room to make the call.

After a few minutes she came back into the living room. "They would be happy to have her stay the night. Let's leave right now." Renesmee smiled widely and ran to her mother. Bella picked the backpack from the floor and walked outside of the house with her.

"Is she really...?" Edward turned to look at Demetri who nodded his head. "How are we going to tell Jasper? How is he going to react?" Edward questioned.

"Do you think Alice has seen it?" Emmett asked, turning to look at Carlisle.

"I don't think so. She can't see Juliana's future anymore and if she could, they would have called and came home already."

"When are Jasper and Alice coming back?" Edward asked.

"In a few days." Carlisle answered.

"We have a few days. Hopefully. We just need to hope that Alice hasn't seen it." Emmett spoke.

"I'll call her." Edward said and walked out of the living room. He quickly called her and to his luck she answered quickly.

"Hello Edward what-"

"If you see it, don't tell Jasper." That's all he said to her.

"See what? What's happening Edward?"

"Just don't tell him."

"Tell me what?" Came Jasper's voice from the other side of the phone which made Edward's eyes widen. "Edward, it's Jasper. What can't Alice tell me when she sees it?"

"Nothing, everything is fine." He tried to lie but he wasn't that good at it.

"Edward, tell me." He demanded. "Is it Juliana?"

"What? No, she's fi-"

"That's it. You are terrible at lying. We are coming home." Jasper snapped before ending the call.

"Fuck." Edward whispered, lowering his head.

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