Chapter 7

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After two hours the Cullens heard a car park outside of the house.

Jasper and Alice were back.

Just three seconds after Jasper was standing in front of them. He spotted Demetri and gave him a look that said 'tell me'.

Jasper was hit by the huge wave of sadness and disbelief that radiated from everyone in the room. He had never felt that kind of strong emotion in his life. It was overwhelming and it almost made him dizzy.

"Edward is terrible at lying. What happened and why is Demetri here?" Jasper asked.

At this point Alice had walked into the room too and went to stand beside Carlisle and Esme.

Jasper turned back to Demetri. "Tell me. Why are you here?"

"I have come here to inform you and your family Mr. Hale about a terrible event that has taken place among us."

Jasper listened closely. He wasn't sure if he wanted him to continue.

Demetri continued. "Your sister Juliana Whitlock lost her life in the hands of an unknown vampire a month ago in the throne room of the Volturi castle."

Everything went silent. Jasper couldn't hear anything else that anyone said. All the sounds were sucked out of the room. He could see his family's mouth moving but no sound came out for him to hear.

Then suddenly Jasper's feets betrayed under him, making him collapse on the floor.

"Jasper!" Alice was in seconds beside her mate to see if he was okay.

Jasper didn't say anything. He just looked somewhere in the distance, nothing in particular, he just stared, his eyes wide and he was taking in many unneeded quick breaths.

Then as quickly as he fell on the floor he stood up in second and ran out of the house.

"Jasper!" Alice called after her mate and was going to run after him before Carlisle placed his hand on her shoulder to stop her.

"Let him go. We all need time but Jasper needs it more than anyone else."


Jasper ran into the woods and stopped on the same clearing where they and the wolves trained against the newborn army.

He stormed at one of the tree trunks laying on the ground, picked it up and threw it on the other side of the clearing.

He then fell on his knees on the damp ground and screamed in pain.

Not in physical pain. No. Although it almost felt like someone had just ripped his heart out of his chest.

Juliana was gone. His sister is gone. His little sister is dead.

He shut his eyes tightly and screamed again. He then slowly stood back up. A new wave of emotions washing over him. Anger, a need to have his revenge and anger towards the blonde Volturi King. The man who promised to take care of her, promised to not let anything happen to his little lister.

Jasper ran back to the Cullens house as fast as he had ever ran.

He slammed the front door open and barged back into the living room.

"I'm going to kill Caius..." Jasper growled through gritted teeth. Almost an animalistic and scary look on his face that none of the Cullens had never seen before.

"Jasper, there was nothing he could have done." Carlisle tried to reason with his son.

"HE PROMISED TO KEEP HER SAFE!" Jasper screamed. "HE PROMISED TO TAKE CARE OF HER! AND NOW-... and now she's gone..." Jasper's voice broke at the end. Although he was full of anger and it felt like it had taken over his whole body and soul, Jasper wasn't like that. He was a calm and loving person. So almost as quickly as the sadness has changed into anger, it changed back to sadness.

"And it's killing him." Demetri spoke up. "He is blaming himself for what happened. Although there was absolutely nothing he could have done differently. Caius loves Juliana. Caius was born 1300 before Christ. He is the oldest of all of us. He has lived a very long life. And in his life he has never loved anyone like he loves Juliana."

Jasper walked next to the wall of the living room. Leaned his back against it and lowered himself on the floor, his back against the white wall.

He pulled his legs against his chest and hugged his knees. Jasper buried his face against his legs.

His eyes burned. All that he needed right now was to cry. He wanted to scream and cry his heart out. But he couldn't.

Alice carefully lowered herself down on the floor next to Jasper and placed her hand on his shoulder.

Slowly Jasper raised his head from his knees and looked at Alice. His wavy hair falling on his face messily.

"I want her back..." Jasper whimpered. His voice broken. It broke everyone to see him like this.

"I know love." Alice whispered back to him.

"Make the pain go away..." Jasper pleaded.

"Oh Jasper... I wish so much that I could."

Jasper's eyes were puffy, red and tired. It looked like he was crying but no tears could come out. His lower lip quivering.

Alice opened her arms and Jasper curled himself in her arms into a ball. His face rested against her chest. Alice gently brushed her fingers through his soft wavy honey blonde hair.


Nothing was how it used to be. Everything is different now. Everything is hard.

While Alice held her broken mate in her arms she knew that nothing in Jasper would be how it once used to be.

There was only one person in this world who could make things right again and heal him. But what could be done when that person disappeared from this earth?

A dark cloud appeared over the Cullens when they all fell into silence and started the long journey of mourning over Juliana Whitlock.


I have to admit that I cried while writing this chapter.

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