Chapter 25

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New info of the Garrett book at the end of this chapter


Demetri and Juliana walked out of the throne room and started to walk through the halls trying to find Sulpicia.

And after a while they did. The black haired woman just closed a door behind her. She turned to walk away from the room when she saw them. She stopped on her tracks.

"Dear lord!" Sulpicia cried out and slapped her hand over her mouth in shock.

"Hi Sulpicia." Juliana walked up to her and gave her a small smile.

"You- you are alive." She spoke with her eyes wide.

"Yes." Juliana nodded.

"We were wondering if you could help Juliana take a bath and get her a new pair of clothes." Demetri explained. "She needs to rest."

"Of course." Sulpicia nodded. "Come dear." She hooked her arm around Juliana's.

Together the two women started to make their way to Caius' and Juliana's room where she could relax and rest.

"Do you know where Caius is?" Juliana asked her while they were walking.

Sulpicia shook her head. "I don't. But he might be in the throne room."

"He was not." Juliana explained to the black haired woman next to her. "I just came from there."

"Don't worry. I'm sure he will come to you as soon as possible. We talked earlier today."

"So he is in the castle." Juliana smiled, feeling hopeful.

"He should be yes. He was in the tower earlier. Then we talked and he said that he will go back there. I haven't seen him since."

"The roses beside the table. Were they from him?"

Sulpicia smiled. "Yes."

"How... how did he take it? Me being dead?"

"Oh he was a wreck." Sulpicia let out a sad sigh. "He didn't eat or rest in two months before I got him to eat and take a shower. He just sat on his throne and waited for new news of the searchings."

Juliana's eyes widened. Two months? "How long was I gone?" She asked.

Sulpicia stopped walking and turned to face Juliana. "Juliana you were gone for almost three months."

Juliana's eyes widened. Three months?

"What searchings do you mean?" She questioned.

"Caius sent all the guards to look for your killers. They haven't yet found them. He said that he won't rest until they find them. Demetri is the only one who is back now. The others are still there."


They walked inside Juliana's and Caius' room.

"Sit here." Sulpicia led Juliana to sit on the edge of the bed. "I will make the bath ready for you." She spoke and walked in the bathroom.

Juliana looked around the room. It was a bit messy. Definitely not as clean as she and Caius usually keep it. She turned her head to look towards the bathroom when she saw the hole on the door.

Her eyes widened slightly. Why was there a hole in the door? What has happened?

Sulpicia walked out of the bathroom and looked at Juliana. She could see the questioning look on her face.

"What were you thinking?" She asked and walked up to her.

"Just wondering why there is that big hole on the door."

"I don't know." Sulpicia turned to look at the wooden door and shrugged. "Now come. The bath is ready."

The two women walked inside the bathroom. The bathtub was filled with hand warm water and lots of bubbles.

"Take your clothes off and get in the bath. I will go and pick out new clothes for you. Would you like some certain ones?"

"Caius' shirt and my brother's sweatpants. He sent me those with my other belongings when I first came here." Juliana answered.

"Okay." Sulpicia nodded. "But I don't really want to go dig through Caius' closet. He wouldn't like that."

"Don't worry, you don't have to. I have a few of his shirts in my closet."

"I will go and pick those out for you. How do I find the right pants?"

"The only sweatpants in the whole closet." Juliana chuckled slightly.

Sulpicia nodded and left the bathroom leaving Juliana alone.

Juliana walked up to a tall mirror placed against one of the walls next to the bathtub. She looked at herself through it. She was still in the same dress as when she died. Nothing has changed. She pulled down the right sleeve of her dress slightly. Slowly and carefully she traced her fingertips over the skin of her neck and shoulders. She had died.

Her arms and head were ripped off. Caius had seen her body being ripped apart right in front of his eyes. The last thing she remembers was the look on his face. The pure horror on his face. Then black.

She couldn't even think what it would be like to see your mate being torn apart. How would she have reacted if Caius would have been in her place? She would have been absolutely devastated. She didn't know if she would have been able to continue her life.

Juliana shook her head, trying to get those thoughts out of her mind.

Slowly she got undressed. She folded her dress and put it on top of a chair that was placed next to the tub. She took her shoes off and lastly removed her underwear and placed them on top of the dress.

Juliana lowered herself in the bath and let the water relax her body. She closed her eyes and just layed in the tub under the bubbles floating on the surface.

After a few minutes Sulpicia came back into the room and took Juliana's old clothes with her to take them away. Then she sat next to her on the chair.

"How does it feel?"

Juliana opened her eyes. "It feels good."

"Good. Just stay there as long as you want. There is no hurry. You need to rest."

"I would like to call my family when I get out. Is that okay?" Juliana asked.

"You can do that." Sulpicia nodded. "But are you sure you don't want to rest first?"

"No, I want to call them. Everything will be better when I do that."


Hi, I just wanted to say that if we are lucky I might be able to start the new Garrett book later this week. I'm not hundred percent sure yet, so if not then a bit later. Don't worry I will inform you when I publish it :).

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