Chapter 27

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Few hours after Juliana called; Carlisle, Jasper and Emmett came back home.

Carlisle walked up to Esme who was sitting on the living room couch and kissed her. Emmett sat next to Rosalie and pulled her against his chest and wrapped his arms around her. Alice ran to Jasper and hugged him.

"How did it go?" Alice asked Jasper and glanced at the others as well.

"We found out nothing at all. Aiden really didn't know that Juliana is dead." Emmett answered.

"How about you girls? What have you been doing?" Carlisle asked, looking around the room.

Esme, Alice and Rosalie fell silent. How will they tell them what just happened? What they just found out.

"We got a call a few hours ago." Rosalie started.

The men stood there confused. Why were they acting this way? What had happened?

"Okay? Who called?" Emmett questioned.

"Juliana." Esme said, ripping the bandaid. There was no reason to make this harder than it already is. Straight to the point.

Jasper's eyes widened but he didn't say anything. He looked at the three women in front of him, searching for a hint that could tell him that they were lying. Nothing came.

"She woke up?" Emmett asked his mouth open from shock.

"She never was burned so I guess her body found the power to wake up and reattach her body pieces." Esme tried to explain.

"What's running through your mind Jasper?" Carlisle turned to look at Jasper who had his arms wrapped around Alice's waist from behind. His eyes stared somewhere to the distance without seeing anything particular while listening to the conversation around him.

"What did she say?... When she called." Jasper asked from not anyone in particular.

"She just called to tell us that she is okay. But she was acting a bit weird." Rosalie said.

"She said that she hasn't yet seen Caius. She also said that no one tells her anything about him."

"I'm sure Caius wouldn't have left her side this whole time. I'm sure he would be the first one to be on her side when she woke up." Alice said.

"He would kill anyone who would stand before him, stopping him from being with her." Emmet said.

"You're right." Carlisle nodded. "I can't believe Caius would stay away from her."

"I think we should call Demetri. Maybe he can explain what's happening." Alice suggested from Jasper's arms. "Something is going on."

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