Chapter 21

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Before we start I just have to say that I'm so excited because a few days ago I was at a fair that was in my town that weekend and I couldn't believe what I found from one of the jewelry booths. I found the Volturi pendant and the Cullen family crest necklaces that they wear in the movies! I literally almost screamed when I saw them and those were the only copies they had and only seven and fourteen euros. I have never found anything Twilight related so I'm so so happy :).
But yeah... that was it. Now on to the chapter. Enjoy.


(Caius' POV)

Another mind trick. It always startles a little but it gets a bit easier every time.

There she stood. Beautiful as ever. Dressed in the same dress as every time I saw her. In the same dress which she is laying in on the wooden table in her tower.

"Hello my love." I gave the mirage of her a small smile.

She didn't answer but just looked at me. Then a small weak smile spreaded on her lips.

"Mi manchi. Spero di vederti presto." She spoke.

My eyes widened and my lips parted slightly.

"What? What do you mean by that darling?" I questioned.

"Ti amo Caius." Juliana gave me a small wave before she once again disappeared into thin air as quick as she appeared.

I turned around quickly and ran out of the room going to find Sulpicia.

I would have gone to Marcus but he wasn't in town today.

*Knock, knock, knock*

I knocked on the library door before entering.

There Sulpicia sat. Sitting on an armchair with a book in her hand. She turned to look at me as I entered the room.

"Caius." She gave me a small smile, closed the book and placed it on a small round table in front of her.

"Can we talk? I would like to ask your opinion about something."

"Of course. Please sit."

I walked up to her and sat opposite of her on another armchair on the other side of the round table.

"What did you want to talk about?" She asked.

"I saw her again. This was the third time." I started to explain.

Marcus and Sulpicia were the only ones who knew about those mind tricks of mine.

"Where? What did she say?"

"In my room. First she didn't say anything. Then she spoke up and when she did she was speaking Italian. She said 'Mi manchi. Spero di vederti presto'."

Sulpicia's eyes widened. "What does this mean?"

"That's the thing I wanted to talk about with you. Maybe you could help me figure out what she meant by that."

"When you saw her did she look any different? Like physically?"

"No. She looked the same as every time. Nothing has changed." I shook my head.

Sulpicia nodded before getting quiet again and thinking.

"Why was she speaking Italian? Does she speak that alot?"

"I don't know why she did that. And no she doesn't speak that alot but I have teached her some Italian when she asked once."

"Did anything else feel off or any different?"

"This whole thing felt different than the other two. Or maybe it was because of what she said."

"What kind of different?"

"Like there was a much deeper meaning behind her words. Before she had just said that I did the right thing and that she's not angry at me but this time it was much different."

Sulpicia nodded understandingly.

We discussed this thing for a while more before I spoke up.

"Maybe I should go back to her to the tower."

"Yes, that could be a good idea. Maybe you can find something else out."

I nodded my head and walked out of the library.


I climbed back to the tower and just waited. Waited for something to happen. But when you wait for something to happen obviously it won't happen.

So I decided to keep myself busy. I changed the water for the roses that I brought earlier and I went to get a book for me to read.

Three hours had passed. I groaned and shut the book. I stood up from the chair and walked up to the single window of the tower.

I stood in front of the window and looked out of it, my back towards Juliana.

It was quiet. Almost too quiet. No people were walking outside and there were even no birds singing.

But then there was a small sound that broke the silence.


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