Chapter 14

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(Caius' POV)

My eyes were wide. There she was. Literally standing four meters away from me.

"Juliana." I whispered. "You’re here. When did you wake up?"

But she didn't answer me. It was like talking to an empty shell. 

"Amore mio. Per favore." I pleaded. "Please talk to me. You were dead and now just-"

"You didn't protect me." She spoke again in the same tone.

"My love, you have no idea how much I wanted to. But I couldn't. They got me too and- and then it was already too late."

Then a wind blew through the balcony door making the curtains in front of it sway in the wind.

The curtains swayed in front of Juliana and lastly covered my view of her for just a second.

And when the white fabric of the curtains settled down on its right place; Juliana was gone.

I ran to the spot where she just stood using my vampire speed. I looked around the room and then ran to the balcony. No one. I looked down to the garden. Still no one.

Where did she go?

I walked back inside. I couldn't get her face off of my head. The hatred on her face when she looked at me. 

Then my ruby eyes widened when I realized.

I ran out of the room and towards Juliana’s tower. I quickly opened the door to the tower and…

There she was. Still laying on the wooden table like every day when I come to see her. And her head and arms still loose from the rest of her body.

Did I imagine all of it? 

Am I starting to go crazy? But she felt so real.

No. That was not Juliana. Not my Juliana. 

Because the Juliana that I know and love would never say something like that and would never look at me with such hatred.

That Juliana was just a trick. Trick that my mind made. 

Because I'm so desperate to see her again and I hate myself that I couldn't do anything to save her. My own mind is punishing me.

I walked up to Juliana and brushed my knuckles gently over her cheek bone.

"Wake up. Find the power. Find the power to wake up and come back to me. Do it for me and your brother. I love you so so much."

And I walked away. 

When I was walking back to my room Marcus stopped me in the hall when we walked past each other.

"You went to see her again?" He asked gently.

"I- I thought that I saw her." I mumbled. 

"Saw her? What do you mean my brother?" He asked calmly. 

"I thought I saw her standing in my room and speaking to me. But it wasn't her. It was just my mind playing tricks to me." I explained to him slightly annoyed. 

Marcus nodded his head. "You look better." He said.

'But I don’t feel better.' I spoke in my head but didn't say anything out loud.

"Rest Caius." He spoke before continuing his way down the hall. "One more thing." He turned back around to look at me. "Meet me in the garden tomorrow night. I want to talk with you."

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