Chapter 8

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(Caius' POV)

Two days after Demetri came back from Forks. He told me how it went and all that had happened.

Her brother broke. I guess there's two of us then. He is the closest family that she has, him being her biological brother. I just can't help and feel like we should talk. Not now, not tomorrow and not next week but after a while. Plus, I know she would have wanted us to meet.


Demetri had joined the other guards and continued the search. Nothing new has come up but they will find them. They can't hide forever.

Now the day had turned into night and I left the throne room to go back to my room.

I'm going to see her tonight. I didn't go yesterday but tonight I will.

I climbed the long stone stairs up to the tower. The tower where my mate, lover, fiancée and everything rested.

The first time when I climbed these stairs up to see her was one of the hardest things I have ever done and it took me a long time to get all the way up.

It's a bit easier now.

I got all the way up and opened the door to get inside the tower. I closed the door behind me and turned around to look at her. There she was like every night.

Laying on a low wooden table. Her head and arms were placed on their right places but they were still loose. You couldn't attach them back. The broken body needs to do it on its own. Every day I hope that her beautiful body would get some kind of power back so it could possibly start the process of reattaching the loose body parts. If it doesn't... there is no hope that I would get her back.

She was still in the same clothes as the day when she was taken from me. I didn't see the reason why her clothes should be changed so no one changed them.

I sat on a wooden chair next to her. Her gorgeous skin had turned from white like marble to this very light shade of gray. Her eyes closed so it almost looked like she was sleeping.

I carefully brushed my fingertips over her cheek bone and cheek.

"Wake up my darling. You can do it. Don't leave me." I whispered. "We had so many plans, so much to do. We needed to go and meet your family together, we needed to run through the misty forests of Forks, we were about to get married..." I couldn't get any words out anymore.

Married. I was going to marry the most amazing woman on this earth. A small sad smile formed on my lips when I brushed my fingers over my ring around my finger. I glanced at her left hand and her ring finger but my eyes widened when I didn't see the sparkling ring.

I tried to look around to find it. Maybe it fell on the floor when she was brought here. I stood up from the chair and searched her ring from the floor. It wasn't there.

"I'm going to go and find your ring for you. I will be right back, my love." I spoke gently and left the room.

I headed towards the throne room. It could have fallen when that leech grabbed her.

When I got into the throne room I started to look around. And like I had thought, after a few minutes I saw something shimmering from the corner of my eye.

There it was laying on the floor next to a wall.

I crouched down and took the ring between my thumb and index finger. I studied it carefully. Luckily it was not damaged. No stones were missing and no dents could be seen. Beautiful as ever.

I was wearing two necklaces. The Volturi pendant and one simple silver chain. I unclasped the chain from around my neck and slipped it through the ring. I then clipped the chain back around my neck, Juliana's ring now hanging from it.

After that I went back to Juliana. I told her that I had found her ring and it was now safe on a chain around my neck.

I will keep it safe until she can wear it again. I will see her wearing it again.

I sat there for an hour longer and then left to go back to my room.


Aro thought that it was foolish talking to her. "She can't hear you, my brother." He always says. Aro thinks that she's gone for good and wouldn't wake up anymore. But I can't give up, I can't lose hope. Because if I do, she actually might not wake up anymore.

I need to believe that her body will start to slowly work again, her venom will start to flow inside her again and she will wake up.

I just need to believe.

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