Chapter 20

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Caius was sitting on the edge of his bed reading one of Juliana's books.

It was interesting. It was about a woman who fell in love with a monster. They had their ups and downs, the woman tried to adapt to the new conditions of her now living in a castle with the monster far from home.

Caius had read millions of books in his time on this earth but somehow he had never faced this book before.

It was amusing to Caius how the story was almost identical to his and Juliana's story.

She traveled far from her home into a castle, she needed to stay there and live with the monster but in the end the two fell in love and lived happily ever after.

He just hoped that he and Juliana could get their happily ever after like the characters in the book did.

Caius shut the book after he was done reading it.

On the brown cover of the book was a red rose and in golden letters above it read 'Beauty and the Beast'.

"I think I just found my new favorite book." Caius spoke to himself and carefully placed the book back to Juliana's bookshelf.

Caius then stared at the small rose that was engraved on the spine of the book.

He turned around and left the room and headed towards the garden.

Caius walked through the garden knowing exactly what he was looking for. The area with all the flowers opened in front of him and he walked up to the roses.

Red and white roses.

Caius picked up three red roses and went back inside the castle. He got a class vase, filled it halfway with water and carefully placed the roses in the vase.

After that he walked up to Juliana's tower vase in hand. He placed the flowers on a small table next to Juliana and sat next to her.

"For you my love. I hope you like them." He gently brushed his fingers over her cheek.

Caius spent the next hour there but when he saw from the single window of the tower that the sun had started to set he left the room and went back to his.

Caius walked in his room, turned towards the door to close and clock it.

When he turned back around there she was.



This chapter was a lot shorter than they usually have been but the next chapter is going to be longer again. And I hope because what happens in the next chapter it will be worth it. :)

No, Juliana isn't coming back but something else is going to happen ;)

Lots of love


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