Chapter 45

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**Mentions of sexual themes**

Caius and Juliana walked side by side down the hall with Felix walking in front of them. Neither Caius or Juliana had asked what was going on but they just waited patiently since they would know in a minute after arriving to the throne room.

Felix opened the big double doors for the couple and let them walk in first. There Aro and Marcus were sitting on their thrones and Demetri was standing on the side of the room.

"What is going on?" Caius asked in a rather annoyed voice. "We were busy."

"New news has come up. We have heard that there has been some restlessness in Texas." Marcus spoke up and started to explain the situation.

"Texas?" Juliana asked. "What has happened? What kind of restlessness?"

Caius stayed silent beside Juliana, letting her handle this. He knew this was important for her. She was born in Houston, Texas.

"Some aggressive vampires and brutal fighting of the territories." Demetri answered her and walked closer to the thrones.

"Where exactly?" Caius asked.

"In many parts of Texas."

"And is this a matter that requires our attention or us coming between?" Caius asked.

"Not yet at least. For now we just know that it's happening. But if the fighting continues and grows any suspicions or attention among humans we have to do something."

"In what parts has the restlessness become worse?" Juliana asked.

Caius led her to his throne and gently and silently told her to sit down and she did.

"East and South." Demetri answered.

"Nothing like this hasn't happened in a long time. The last time was in 1860's and after."

1860's... Juliana thought silently in her mind. Jasper was changed in 1863. And he had said that territorial fights were common there back then.

"My love?" Caius whispered in her ear, making her snap out of her thoughts.


"Are you okay?" Caius asked, concerned.

Juliana placed her hand on top of his and smiled softly. "Yes Caius."

"What is running through your mind, Juliana?" Aro asked with a smile on his face.

"Nothing really." She answered.

"Do tell us if you have some thoughts about this."

"Of course." Juliana nodded her head.

"I have heard that you were born in Texas. Correct?"

Juliana nodded. "Yes. In 1845."

"Ah that's right! And your brother fought in the Civil war?"

Juliana nodded again.

"So these areas are familiar to you? Texas?"

"Well I was born in 1845. And my brother changed me in 1863. The same year as he was changed. We didn't stay in our hometown but left almost immediately. So no, those places aren't familiar to me anymore since things and places have obviously changed a lot since 1860's."

Aro nodded his head slowly while thinking.

"And why is this relevant?" Caius asked.

"Just thinking, brother."

Juliana gave Caius' hand a small squeeze, telling him that it was okay and that she didn't mind Aro asking her those questions.

"If it came to that, would you want to join us on our trip to Texas?"

"Absolutely not!" Caius spat. "That's too dangerous. I just got her back, I'm not putting her in danger."

"Yes Aro. And I know I wouldn't be any help. I'm not familiar with the places and I haven't met any vampires there since me and my brother left almost immediately after my transformation." Juliana explained and saw Caius visibly relax a bit when he heard that she wasn't eager to go. "And it's not like he would have been eager to show me around to all the vampires in the area."

"Might be true." Aro nodded.

"If this was it, Juliana and I will be going." Caius said and took Juliana's hand and waited for her to stand up from his throne.

"Yes, I believe that was all. We just wanted to inform you Caius about this."


Caius and Juliana went back to their room after getting the picnic blanket from the garden. It was already midnight and they decided to spend the night in their room so Juliana changed her clothes into just a pair of high waisted black underwear and one of Caius' black button up shirts that was way too big for her so it fit on her body like a short dress.

Caius walked up to her and couldn't help but take a quick glance at her breasts and her nipples that were visible from under the fabric. Juliana saw this which made her roll her eyes playfully.

"You know, you looked so good sitting on my throne." Caius whispered in her ear in a husky voice.

"Did I now?" Juliana smirked.

Caius nodded his head and buried his face in her hair, his lips brushing against the skin of her neck. "You did. That gave me an idea."

"Hmm... What kind of idea?"

"I will tell you about it later."

Juliana pouted. "Why not now? This idea of yours sounded fun."

"Oh it will be fun. Just after some preparations."

"Preparations?" Juliana furrowed her eyebrows. "What on earth are you planning?"

"Something big." Caius smirked and playfully bit her shoulder.

"Hmm... will I be having two big things that day?" She smirked, making Caius chuckle as well.

"Be patient, my Queen."

"Says a man who is biting down my neck and shoulder at this very moment." She teased.

"You should sit on my throne more often." Caius smiled against the skin of her neck.

"Maybe I should. If that kind of small thing gets you into a state like this."

"Oh you have no idea what that thing does for me."

"I think I have a pretty good idea." Juliana smirked, feeling Caius' already rock hard cock against her thigh.

"As much as I want to just take you here and now, I won't do it. Because like I said, I have something bigger planned."

"Can't wait." Juliana smiled and kissed Caius' lips gently. No lust but just love and adoration. Caius answered the kiss, cupping her face in his hands and kissing her back just as lovingly.

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