Chapter 31

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Juliana walked into the library Demetri walking behind her. She saw Aiden sitting at one of the round tables, he turned to look at the two when he heard them coming in.

"Juliana I-" He started but Juliana interrupted him.

"I'm only here because Demetri asked. And because he said something about me getting to finally see Caius."

Juliana sat on the other side of the round table and Demetri sat next to her.

"Why are you here Aiden?" She asked.

"I- erm..."

"I'm pretty sure you remember what would happen if you ever came close to me again."

"Your family would kill me." Caius answered. He was glad Juliana had once told him the story of how her family found her after Aiden had left the house.

"Yes. And here you are. I knew you were an idiot but I didn't know you had a dead wish."

"I don't know what to say to that."

"You do realize that I don't want you here?" Juliana spat. "I hate you Aiden."

That sting Caius. But he tried to remember that she only spoke like that because she taught him to be someone else.

"We should stick to the main topic of why we are here." Demetri interrupted their conversation.

"Yes." Juliana glared at the man sitting in front of her before turning to speak to Demetri. "The quicker we start the quicker I can leave. You said something about memory loss."

"Yes. Carlisle called me and we talked. I told him my concern and he looked through some books and was sure you had a memory loss."

"And how does Aiden have anything to do with this?"

"In your position, memory lost after trauma means that you can't recognise Caius. You remember him but you can't recognise him."

"Why does everyone keep saying that? Why wouldn't I remember my own mate? And that still doesn't explain why he is here." She looked at Caius.

"I keep saying that because Caius is sitting right in front of you right now."

"Shut up. Why are you playing games with me?"

"We are not playing Juliana." Demetri tried to explain but he did understand that this was going to be hard.

"So tell me about this memory loss and why does Carlisle think I have it."

"Carlisle said that when you were killed and when you woke up again you were given a new chance to deal with your past trauma in the right way."

"The past trauma that he gave me?" Juliana questioned and glanced at Caius.

"Yes. I heard that you didn't deal with the trauma the right way when it was topical. Is that true?"

"I guess so." Juliana muttered. "But I just don't understand how being with the person who traumatized me help in any way."

"Don't get me wrong Juliana it's not like we want you to smile and forgive Aiden. You just can't get over something like that easily. But we want to help you."

"Do you believe Carlisle when he says that you might have a memory loss?" Caius asked.

Juliana was silent for a while before she answered. "I don't know. I guess I do. But Demetri please tell me why you think there's something wrong with me?"

"When you woke up you didn't recognise Caius. Caius was there in the room that moment when you woke up. And when he tried to talk with you you freaked out and called him Aiden. You think Caius is Aiden."

Juliana turned to look at 'Aiden' sitting in front of her. She wanted to believe Demetri and Carlisle. But it didn't matter how hard she tried to look at him and believe she just couldn't.

Juliana quickly stood up from the chair.

"Juliana?" Demetri questioned.

"I want to go to my room. I- I can't do this right now."

Demetri nodded understandingly. "Of course. Thank you for coming and willing to talk."

And with that Juliana walked out of the room using her vampire speed.

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