Chapter 35

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(Juliana's POV)

I left the castle early in the morning to catch my flight. I looked at the castle one last time before walking away. I could see Aiden standing at one of the windows looking down at me. I turned around and left.


The flight has gone well so far. Not many people in the plane, making it a lot easier to be in a closed space with humans for such a long time. Luckily I ate yesterday so that as well helped. 

I had traveled for hours and hours but luckily the plane would be landing soon. Only an hour or so. 

I couldn't wait to see my family and I was sure they couldn't wait either. They were told that I was dead. I was. But now they have me back and I’m not leaving them again.

"Ladies and gentleman. Remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisle clear until we are parked at the gate." The captain's voice came through the speakers.

Soon I would be out of this plane and with my family.

Soon enough I was out and got my bag so I walked outside of the terminal where all the taxis came and where you could go and pick someone up.

I stood outside next to a bench and looked around trying to find someone from my family. I still didn't know who was going to pick me up.

“There she is!” Emmett’s booming voice came from behind me, making me turn around in a flash.

"Emmett!" I ran to him and he wrapped me into a big hug.

“Welcome back sis.” Emmett pulled out of the hug. “I missed you.”

“And I missed you.” I smiled.

"Let’s get your bag on the back of the car and go home."

I nodded. Emmett opened the back of the car and I placed my luggage inside.

"We all have been waiting for you." Emmett said and started the car and drove off of the grounds of the airport.

"And I have been waiting to see all of you."

"You can just imagine Jasper’s face when Alice told him that he couldn't be the one to pick you up." He chuckled and shook his head.

“I can.” I smiled.

"So how's the lover boy?" Emmett winked, smiling teasingly. 

"I haven’t seen him." I shrugged.

Emmett nodded but didn't say anything. Maybe he didn’t know what to say. But I was okay with that so we just stayed silent while he drove us back home.

Just as we turned on the familiar road that led through the forest and to our house it started to rain softly. God I missed the rain. It does rain in Volterra but the rain in Forks is just something else. I love it.

"You ready?" Emmett asked, glancing at me quickly before looking back to the road.

"More than ready." I answered.

And there it was. The Cullen residence. Emmett parked the car outside of the house. The same second the car stopped I jumped out of it.

The front door opened and Jasper appeared in the doorway. In a flash he was outside of the house but still a bit far away from me.

"Jasper!" I shouted and ran to him using my vampire speed. I collided against his chest and he wrapped his arms around me holding me tight.

Jasper picked me up and spinned me in the air. When he placed my feet back down on the ground he spoke.

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