Chapter 33

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(Sexual themes)

(Juliana's POV)

I stood on my balcony and watched the sunrise. The clouds turned into vibrant shades of orange and pink and the sky behind them being a light orange.

I haven't left my room in days. But today I would have to if I wanted to feed myself.

Sulpicia and Demetri had come to visit often; Sulpicia more than Demetri.

When I was in my room I was always in Caius' clothes. They give me comfort. It feels like he is holding me in his arms when I can smell him from his clothes. But right now I was dressed only in my underwear and silk bathing robe.

I have been awake for almost a month now. I still haven't seen Caius but a few days ago I called Jasper.

It was a very emotional phone call. If the call was so emotional I can just imagine what it will feel like when we can finally see each other face to face. I hope it can happen soon. I need to ask Aro about it. I would ask Caius about it but he isn't here.

The first rays of sun touched my face making my skin shimmer. I took one last look at the morning sky before walking back inside and layed on the bed.

I looked at myself through the mirror on the ceiling above the bed. My eyes were pitch black. I really needed to feed myself but the feeding was going to be at one o'clock in the afternoon so I had to wait.

The room started to slowly fill with light as the sun rose more and more by every minute, the room getting a nice warm orange glow.

I sat up on the edge of the bed and took off the black silk bathing robe I had on. Now I was only left in my black lacy bra and high waisted black silk underwear.

I lowered myself back to lay on the bed and looked at myself through the mirror above.

When my eyes met my own through the mirror I was pulled into a vision. Or maybe in this case a memory.

Caius had just proposed to me in the castle garden and brought me back to our room.

I was riding him while looking at myself through the mirror on the wall. I then glanced up and realized that Caius was watching us through the mirror on the ceiling.

Words he was saying ringing in my ears

"Just like that. Now move for your King, my Queen."

"Look in the mirror. Look at yourself riding my cock. Look how beautiful you look."

The vision / memory ended.

I could feel the wetness between my thighs. I miss Caius. In more ways than just one. I miss him every way possible.

I miss his voice, his intoxicating scent, the way his skin feels against mine, the feeling of comfort and safety when he's here.

But right now I miss his bare skin against my own.

I brushed my fingertips over my neck, breasts and stomach. Slowly I moved my hand lower and lower before I slipped my hand under the waistband of my underwear.

I closed my eyes and slowly started to draw small teasing circles on my clit.

*knock, knock, knock*

My eyes snapped open and in a flash I pulled my hand out of my panties and pulled one of the white blankets over my body.

Sulpicia opened the door and walked inside the room.

She stopped walking and quickly closed the door behind her when she saw the flushed expression on my face.

I think she understood what she had just walked in on.

"I'm sorry. I came in on a bad moment." She apologized.

"It's fine I just- I just miss him. It's erm... it's been awhile." I mumbled awkwardly while pulling my bathing robe back on.

"I understand. Don't worry, it's okay." Sulpicia nodded understandingly with a small smile. "I just came here to keep you company, if you want some."

"Yes please." I nodded. Sulpicia sat on the other side of the bed; my side, while I was still sitting on Caius' side. "I was planning to ask Aro if I could go to Forks. To see my family, Jasper." I spoke.

"That's a great idea." Sulpicia smiled. "I'm sure he will let you. And if not I'll speak to him."

"Does he listen to you easily?" I asked.

"Oh definitely. He might be the King Aro to everyone else but I know him as a man who likes to gossip, play cards with me and who protects me with all of his existence."

I listened to Sulpicia speak about her husband. She looked so happy while thinking about him it made a smile form on my face as well.

"I guess just one person knows their other side besides the Volturi King side. And that's their mate."

"Mhm." Sulpicia nodded. "Like you know Caius differently than I do. How do you know him?"

"I know him as a man who loves when I give him forehead kisses, likes when I play with his hair and who likes to paint roses."

"Any other person would not believe these things about them. Everyone else knows them how they want everyone to know them. They show only those sides that they want them to be known for."

"We are lucky." I smiled, making Sulpicia smile too.

"We truly are." She nodded. "Do you believe when I tell you that everything will be alright?"

I was silent for a second but then nodded. "Yes."

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